Page 10 of Muffler’s Mayhem

“Oh, fuck . . .it’s so good. Beretta, fuck,” I groan as my balls pull up hard enough, it feels like they might rip off my body. I push through the pressure and the desperation until I’m exploding deep inside of her, my breathing ragged and my arms shaking while the both of us come down from our orgasms.

It’s over much faster than I would’ve liked, but the absolute peace and satisfaction that I feel right now can’t be denied. It’s pure bliss.

She’s everything I’ve ever wanted, then and now. What am I going to do when she’s ripped away from me all over again?



The next morning, I wake up to a much less vivacious clubhouse. The place is a mess. Empty soda bottles are everywhere, there are wrappers on the floor, and dirty glasses are on every surface. Some of them aren’t even empty. They’re still half full. The new prospects and the rest of the club are going to have a hard time cleaning up. Then again, it’s their job. Ever since I’ve been around the Iron Vex MC, I know they know how to party.

Just as I’m going to get myself something to drink from the kitchen, I run into Hoodrat.

“Hey, when did you get up?” He pulls me into a hug before he steps back.

“Just a few minutes ago. I’m surprised you’re up this early.”

“Yeah, Giada and I didn’t stay up late last night, and she had a bit of sickness this morning, so I’m wide awake.”

His muscles clench a bit, and he looks away. I don’t know why he seems so tense around me. I’ve noticed it’s anytime we talk about his relationship with Giada or the new baby.

I wonder if he thinks I disapprove.

“Yeah, I bet it’s tough,” I say, doing my best to keep my own secret.

“Yeah . . .” He actually looks off to the side and shifts uncomfortably. I hate that we’re like this now. I don’t understand what’s happening, but I wish someone would just let me in on what the problem is.

“Well, I’m happy you’re up. I was going to see if you wanted to come out and have lunch with me. Mamies?” Hoodrat asks, shaking off the uneasiness.

“Oh, yes! That sounds so good. What time?”


“Yeah, that works. Gives me time to wash up and get dressed. I’ll be starved by the time I get there.” It feels like I haven’t had Mamies in ages.

With a nod, he pulls out his phone and swipes at the screen before he sighs and shoves it back into his pocket.

“Let me go check on Giada. She wants to sleep in all day, but I’m just going to be sure she doesn’t need me to get anything for her. I’ll meet you out front at twelve.”

“Okay. See ya.”

Finally, something that seems normal. My brother and I always go out to eat. It’s our time to bond and tell each other what’s going on in our lives. Honestly, all we ever talk about is how much he wishes he knew where Giada was.

Wait, what?

A tornado of nausea and unease swirls around me. My head spins as hazy memories of Hoodrat and I talking about Giada going off to college start to float in my mind.

When was she missing? How is she here now if she went off to college?

I gasp and look around, grateful that no one else is up yet. I don’t want to answer anyone’s questions right now. I speed walk back to the bedroom that Muffler and I are sharing.

The doctor told me there were some things that I’d forgotten and that it would take me some time to get those memories back, but I don’t understand how Giada could’ve been missing if she was here now.

I slam Muffler’s room door and slide down on the hardwood to sit on my ass. Now that I’m alone, I try to force my mind to remember the conversations Hoodrat and I had while we went out to eat. The words never fully form in my mind, but I remember the anguish. He was so sad.

“What the hell is going on!” I slam the heel of my palm into my forehead, and a fresh wave of pain takes over, pushing out any thought I could have about trying to figure out what I’m missing when it comes to my brother and Giada’s relationship.

Muffler and everyone else told me that I was only out of it for a few weeks, but now I don’t know how true that is. I pat my pocket looking for my phone, only to recall that Muffler told me it was going to take a little while for me to get a new one in.