Page 28 of Muffler’s Mayhem

“Sure, that’s not a problem. Just let me know where you want me.” I push the photos back to Boss and lean back against the table. Feeling pretty good about myself.

“I should be a PI or something. I am really good at this stuff.”

Giada and Boss shoot each other a look, but neither says a word to me. I thought for sure they’d agree with me, but from the look on their faces, maybe I was getting in too far over my head.

I dismiss the idea and think about other ways I can put my skills to better use. Right now, all they have me do is hide out in the clubhouse when I know I can do so much more.

I’m going to figure out how to get my life back on track, one way or another.



After we let Boss know what’s going on about the meeting Reno and Abyss have later with the cult, we lie low for the rest of the day. Abyss is pissed that she has to get back into disguise, but it’s the only way for us to make sure that the two of them get in easily. At the end of the day, she might bitch and moan about it a bit, but she’ll always do whatever she needs to for the club.

We got back to the park right after sunset, and this was around the time the cult members told Reno and Abyss to meet them. We actually end up getting there before the others, which works out well for me. I want to be able to see what’s going on before I just let Reno and Abyss walk off with them. I know the two of them can handle themselves, but I don’t want to chance it and have them get hurt in the process. I’ve had enough of hospital stays to last me for years to come.

As Abyss and Reno hop out of the car and walk over to the meeting place, I go to follow, but Reno stops me.

“Actually, I think it might be better if you stay in the car.”

“What? Why the fuck would you say that? I need to be there to have your back. What if they come out guns blazing? You’re not gonna want me to be in the car at that point now, are you?”

“Look, I doubt that they’re going to come here to fight,” Abyss says. “But if they do, then I know the two of you won’t be far. If they show up and see you standing there with us, they may turn around and just walk away. We can’t have that. It’ll be a waste of time for everyone involved. Let us get through to them first, and then we’ll see if we can get you an invitation. We’ve gotten this far, Muffler. We don’t wanna lose the momentum we have.”

“That does sound like a good idea, brother. We can sit here in the van. We’ll still be close enough if they need us,” Mug says, and I sit back in my chair. I’m not too happy about leaving my family out to fend for themselves, but I understand the need to make sure everything goes as planned.

Mug and I take up a position in the back of the SUV, where it’s dark enough that if someone were to look at the car from the back, they wouldn’t realize that we were here. We can still see everything that’s going on and will be ready to jump out if and when the time calls for it. I sit on pins and needles, waiting for these bastards to show up, and I nearly jump out of the car when I see a group of people all dressed in white approach Abyss and Reno.

This is what they’re waiting on. This is what they wanted to happen, but for some reason, it feels really tense.

I watch the interaction for a long while until Mug gets a call on his phone.

“It’s Abyss,” he says, and he puts it on speaker when he answers.

“Hey, it’s okay. You’re welcome to speak with these wonderful people,” she says, and I know that means we’ve gotten the invitation to join in on the baptism.

I know they’re not going to be thrilled there are two new men instead of women, but that’s for these bastards to deal with, not me.

We walk over to the group. We’re still wearing the jeans and small-town outfit that we had before, so we still fit in.

“Welcome. It’s nice to see so many people open to the word,” a man in a long robe says.

“Thank you for having us.” I do my best to stay as innocent appearing as I can. I know what these people are capable of, and I’m not trying to let them figure out who we are.

“Is this everyone?” One of the cultists asks, and Reno nods his head.

“Great, come with us. Our transport is close by.”

I shoot Mug a glance. What the hell do they mean by transport? Shit, we’re not doing this here. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. How the hell were they supposed to do a baptism in the field?

“Okay, lead the way,” I say, and the four of us follow behind them, leaving our van parked in the clearing. I don’t even have enough time to reach out to Boss and let her know what’s going on. I just pray that whatever it is, I’m going to be able to handle it without anyone getting hurt.

* * *

The cultists take the four of us to a large building that I’m assuming is doubling as their church. In the center is a big marble pool. Something I might see in the lobby of a Las Vegas casino.

At first, everyone is cool and just walks around mingling with the others. Part of me feels like I might’ve gotten it wrong. Maybe these aren’t the same members of the cult that we know. It could be a different faction or something like that.