Page 35 of Muffler’s Mayhem



The antiseptic smell wafts across my nostrils. I always hated being in hospitals, but I loathe it now more than ever. I’m sure Beretta would be furious I’m even here right now. I’m sure if she knew I was out here with the rest of the club, she’d scream and tell me to fuck off. I wouldn’t, though, because I love that woman more than anything else. I’d let her hit me, scream at me, and do whatever she felt like she needed to do if that was the case.

“Brother,” Hoodrat says, and I direct my gaze over to him. He’s sitting in the chair across from me, with Giada sitting directly beside him.

“Hmm?” I answer him back.

“When she wakes up, I’ll talk to her again. I tried helping her see reason before she ran out on the street like that earlier, but she didn’t wanna hear anythin’ I had to say.”

I nod because I know Beretta’s more stubborn than a mule. “When her mind is made up, it’s made up,” I comment, and Hoodrat cracks a smile at me. “Even though she’s pissed at me right now, I don’t care. I wanna marry your sister, Muffler. With any luck, or by the grace of God, or whatever, I might get the opportunity to do it one day.”

Hoodrat raises both of his brows, and I expect him to shoot me down immediately, but his words surprise me. “I think you’re a good fit for my sister, and I think the two of you together are great. I just don’t know if she sees it that way right now.”

“No, I don’t think she does,” I tell him, and Hoodrat smiles in my direction.

Giada shoots me a hopeful glance, and I want to be as hopeful as she’s being right now. I just don’t know if Beretta will go for it.

A man in a white coat comes up to the group of us and looks all around. He doesn’t know where to look, so Hoodrat rises from his seat, and I rise as well. “We’re Beretta’s family,” Hoodrat tells him, and the doctor nods.

“Good, good. She’ll be going into surgery shortly and has requested I notify her next of kin of the risks of her surgery. The bullet nicked her spinal cord, and we have to go in to remove it. As of right now, she doesn’t have any feeling below her waist, but the hope is with surgery, she’ll regain that. However, there are risks with any sort of spinal surgery. The biggest risk is permanent paralysis, although if we don’t interfere at all, she will remain paralyzed. Beretta has chosen to go through with the surgery, and my team is prepping her now.”

“Are we allowed to see her before surgery?” I inquire, and the doctor’s face immediately falters.

He shakes his head before he even speaks. “Beretta has requested to have no visitors before her surgery. Maybe afterward, she’ll be open to seeing a few of you. I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to get back.” The doctor then walks off in the direction he came from, leaving Hoodrat and me standing in the middle of the waiting area.

“She’s really pissed,” Hoodrat comments, and I nod. Of course, she’s pissed. We lied to her for weeks, and even though we followed the doctor’s orders, we knew Beretta wouldn’t have wanted to be lied to. She’s never been the type of woman who’s wanted that sort of thing. The fact of the matter is, we should’ve known better. In fact, we should’ve done better.

“I need to go,” I tell Hoodrat and pull my phone out of my pocket. I look up the nearest jewelry stores, and Hoodrat arches a brow.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going? Beretta’s gettin’ surgery any time now.” He’s not happy with me, and it’s obvious as fuck.

“To the jewelry store, ‘cause I’m gonna ask your sister a really important question when she wakes up from surgery. Giada, do you mind comin’ with me?” I ask Hoodrat’s ol’ lady, and she nods.

“Sure thing!” Giada says as she gets up and walks over to me.

“Do you really think that’s a good idea right now? My sister was just shot, and you wanna take my woman out to the jewelry store with you. Why can’t I go with you?” Hoodrat questions.

“Unlike you, Giada has taste,” I point out, and I know how badly I need a woman’s opinion.

Hoodrat cracks a smile. “Well, I can’t argue with that. Mug, go with them. The last thing I want is for you two to be out on the streets alone.”

Mug, Giada, and I head out to the nearest jewelry store. Mug bitches and complains the entire time, but I know at the end of this, everyone’s going to be happy. If all goes well, Beretta will see how badly I want her in my life, even if I’ve made grave mistakes in the past.

I just hope she gives me a fucking chance to prove I’m worthy.



My mouth is dry, and a beeping sound keeps aggravating the living hell out of me. I blink my eyes slowly, and suddenly I realize I’ve made it out of surgery. Thank goodness. With any luck, I’ll be able to feel my legs, and these fancy doctors didn’t just paralyze me for the rest of my life.

A coughing sound comes from my right, so I look to see who’s beside me, and when I spot a black beard and matching hair, I’m caught off guard. “What are you doing in here?”

“Makin’ sure my girl is all right. Is that a crime?” He seems nervous as can be, and he has every right to be nervous, stressed, or even freaked out. As much as I want to tell him to get the fuck out of my hospital room, I can’t lie that I’m a bit relieved he’s here in the first place. My back hurts like hell, and feeling this type of pain is terrifying.

I’m relieved, pissed, and yet irritated at the exact same time. How is any of that possible?