Page 30 of Muffler’s Mayhem

“Well, if it’s okay with our president, I’m sure that we can find you something at our club. It’s safe, and the other women will take care of you. You wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”

“Safety. That’s all I want,” Valencia says, and I can almost feel the relief pouring off her body. It’s a shame that she’s had to go through this, but at least it gives us something to go on. Now we know that the cult is not only starting back up, but it’s in full swing.

We need to get this handled and fast. I was stupidly beginning to think we were making some headway with them, but just like a hydra, when you cut off one head, three more appear. No matter how many heads there are, the Iron Vex MC will make sure one day, they won’t see the light of day.



Another day in the room, and I’m feeling like I’m going out of my mind.

I’m so bored.

No matter how much Giada or any of the other ladies come in here to talk to me, it feels like there isn’t anything more that we can talk about. I play with the dogs. Watch TV. Hang out in the game room, but basically, without my phone or any access to the world, I feel like a goddamn prisoner.

I want to go outside. I want to be free. I feel like there’s so much that I can be doing right now. I’m just about healed up, and all I want to do is get back on the horse, so to speak.

As I lie in bed and look up at the ceiling, Hattie and Lila start to whine and pace back and forth in front of the bedroom door.

“What’s up, girls? Do you need to go out?” I just let them out to use the bathroom, so I’m not sure what they are whining about now.

I sit up, and in the very background, I can hear the sound of an engine rumbling.

“Oh! Daddy’s home.” I smile, but the minute the words come out, something twinges deep in my gut.


Muffler would have been a daddy in a few months had I not lost the baby. I shake my head and try not to think about that. We’re going to try. He told me so. I just need to let him relax and release some of the stress about losing the first baby.

Whispering to myself, I say, “It’s going to be fine.”

I grab my shoes and slide them on my feet before I rush out of the room and down to the main area. The dogs follow me but stay back a few feet behind me.

I get down there just as soon as the group of them open the door and walk in.

Another twinge in my gut renders me speechless when I see a woman that they come in with. She’s got bright red hair and tan skin and looks absolutely beautiful even though it looks like she’s been beaten to shit. Her eyes are black and blue, and even from here, I can see the bruises around her wrist and arms. This woman has been through a lot.

You know what that feels like.

Something inside of me says it, and I vaguely remember the feeling of someone beating me. The fear of not knowing if they would ever stop. Not knowing if I would make it out alive.

What the fuck? When did that happen?

I don’t know when that shit happened. I can’t remember.

I shake my head, and the thought evaporates like a fog. I focus on Muffler, and he beelines for me, kissing me hard on the mouth.

“Let me talk to Boss for a minute, then I’ll be right up to you,” he says, and I can hear the tension in his voice.

He’s not okay.

He needs me the same way that I need him.

“Okay. I’m here.” I rub his face, and he steps to the side while I make my way over to the scared, beaten woman. Her eyes dart from side to side as everyone rushes around.

I put on a brave face and made the first steps to welcome her into this madhouse, “Hello. Is there anything that I can get you? “I ask her, trying to make sure she’s as comfortable as she can be.

“There’s so much going on. Is this the norm?”