Page 54 of Finding Layla

When class is over, I say goodbye to Charlene. “I’ll see you Wednesday.”

She gives me a hug, and then we part ways.

“So, that was your last class for the day?” Jason asks as we step outside the building.

“We can go home now.”

The sky has turned overcast, and the clouds are an ominous shade of gray. We pick up our pace when we hear thunder rolling in the distance. It looks like we’re leaving just in time. Halfway to the car, a light rain starts without warning.

“Crap, no umbrella,” Jason mutters. He slings my backpack over his shoulder and takes my hand, pulling me along with him as he jogs toward the parking lot. “Stick close to me.”

“It’s just a little water,” I say, laughing. I really don’t mind the rain. “I won’t melt.”

I move in close to Jason, my body pressed against his. As his scent and body heat envelop me, my knees go weak. He smells incredible, a mix of cologne and laundry detergent, soap, and something else. Something tantalizing that heats me up from head to toe. Something that draws me closer to him.

“Hang on tight,” he says as he picks up the pace, and we’re practically running to the car.

When we reach the Challenger Jason opens my door for me, and I jump inside. He sets my backpack on the floor behind me, then runs around to the driver’s side and jumps in.

“Remind me to bring an umbrella next time,” he says as he runs his fingers through his wet hair.

I reach up to touch my own hair, which is wet as well.

Before starting the engine, he unlocks the gun safe, retrieves his handgun, and tucks it into his ankle holster. “Much better.”

I relax back against my seat and watch the rain run down the windshield in rivulets. Thunder cracks loudly from close by, and I jump. It takes me a moment to realize we’re not moving yet. Jason’s just sitting there behind the wheel. “Is something wrong?”

He pulls out his phone and checks my glucose monitor. Then he leans back in his seat and sighs. “So, what do you think? How did your first day back to campus go?”

“It was okay. I’m glad to be back in my classes.”

“What do you think about Reese? Are you interested?”

I sigh. “He’s not really interested in me. He just wants to date a local celebrity.”

Jason shifts in his seat to face me. “I asked ifyouwere interested inhim.”

I shrug. “I don’t even know him.”

“Do you want to get to know him?”

I’m surprised at the questions. “Are you encouraging me to go out with a perfect stranger?”

He laughs. “No. But if it’s something you want, we can make it happen. I’d have to go with you, of course.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’d love that.”

Jason grins. “Think of me as your wingman.”

I toss him a sharp glance. “This isn’t a rom-com.” But it does seem like Jason’s going out of his way to encourage me to go out with Reese, and that hurts. I guess it’s proof that he doesn’t have any interest in me beyond that of his job.

He sighs heavily. “What I mean is, if you want to go out with the guy, then I’ll support you. I just want you to be happy, Layla. If going out with Reese will make you happy, then, well, I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

I turn to face forward and buckle my seatbelt. “Can we go home now, please?”

Jason finally starts the engine, and we head home. For some reason, it bothers me terribly that he’s so quick to say he’ll make this date happen. I almost wish he’d try to talk me out of it.

Why would he do that?