Page 96 of Slashers & Secrets

Lakyn bites her lip, and if I wasn’t wearing this mask, I’d bite it until she bled.

“Yeah, that works. Hey, are you sure everything is okay?”

Eloise sighs. “Yeah, I just haven’t talked to you guys, and I think we need to. Alone.”

I smirk, though Lakyn can’t see it.

I can only imagine she’s going to give a play-by-play of what happened at the library.

I knew she would.

“Okay. Yeah, I’ll see you then.”

Lakyn hangs up, and I smirk at her. “Have fun tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

I adjust my pants, getting ready to leave. I can never stay too long. Lakyn digs too much.

“I hope you’re taking care of the body,” she snaps, suddenly angry.

I glance over my shoulder at her as I make my way off the boat. “I was actually hoping you could dispose of it. See if you learned your lesson from last time. Maybe you could get away with it this time.”

She growls. “Fuck you.”

I lift my bloody blade, pointing it at her. “I just did, and it was fucking great. Take care of the body or leave it. I don’t care.”

“The cops will figure out who you are eventually!” she shouts at me as I head down the dock.

“They won’t, baby Lake. I can promise you that.”



Eloise winces as she reaches the top of the treehouse. She sits down with a grunt, scooching back and climbing onto the beanbag.

“Shit, that took more work than I thought it would,” she moans.

“We could have just met at your parents’ house, Eloise,” Posie grumbles, climbing up the ladder. She pulls herself up, swinging her legs over and crawling on her hands and knees. “When can you come back to the house, anyway?”

Eloise shakes her head, taking a deep breath. “I’m trying to come back, like, tomorrow. My mom doesn’t want me out of her sight until the killer is caught. Plus, we couldn’t hang out at my parents’ house. My mom hasn’t let me out of her sight since we left the hospital. I’m surprised she even let me come out here.”

My stomach drops.

They really won’t, baby Lake. I can promise you that.

The killer never intends to get caught, and that may be a problem.

“The house is weird without you,” Vienna says, pulling a Truly from the cooler we keep stashed up here.

Eloise nods, leaning back. “Trust me, I don’t want to be stuck with my parents. My mom won’t stop hounding me. It’s annoying.”

“Well, I’d probably be the same if I was attacked by some crazy slasher psychopath,” Posie says, and we all fall silent.

Eloise is recovering quickly. What went from dire to a miracle, we’re all fucking happy, but Eloise looks different.

Hardened. Guarded.

I can’t blame her, as I know what fear feels like when it comes to the masked man. Though for her, it must have been a terror that turns your bones to ice. For me, it was a burning fear, one that lights a fire in my veins. One that turned my insides warm, and I wanted more.