Page 91 of Slashers & Secrets

Me:Meet me at the docks.

I shove it back into my pocket. I don’t need to wait for a response. I already know she’ll be there, waiting for me.

She has no other choice.

Reaching down, I grab Steph’s ankles, dragging her across the yard.

I’ve got a present for Lakyn, and I hope she likes it.

I know I will.

I stand at the edge of the woods, Steph’s knocked-out body next to me as I wait.

And wait.

And wait some fucking more.

Letting out a growl, I dig my hand into my pocket, pulling out my phone.

No response.

My brow furrows, and I tap my fingers against the tree.

She has to come.

She will come.

Another five minutes pass, and her Audi’s headlights turn into the lot. A smile breaks out beneath my mask, and I straighten, waiting for her to pull up to me.

My car is hidden, far from here.

Dragging Steph’s dead weight through the woods wasn’t the most ideal, but I’m here, and finally, so is Lakyn.

She parks so she’s facing me, turning off her headlights, eyes locked on me through the darkness. I say nothing, doing nothing as I watch her.

As I wait for her.

She doesn’t wait for long, slipping out of her car, closing the door softly and standing beside it.

“Why am I here?” she whispers, and then, as if she finally notices, she glances down, seeing a body at my feet.

Her eyes widen, and she takes a step back.

“What the hell is that?” she whispers.

I nudge Steph’s leg. “A present. For you.”

She points at the body, her fingers shaking. “You got me a dead body?”

I let out a chuckle. Bending down, I grab Steph by the arm, hauling her up. “She’s not dead, Lakyn. Not yet, anyway.”

She shakes her head, taking a step back. “I don’t want you to kill anyone for me! What the fuck?” she whisper-shouts, her hand going to her handle. “I’m getting the fuck out of here.”

My hand whips out, and I point my knife at her. “Don’t fucking move,” I growl.

Her body freezes, and she pivots toward me slightly, her eyes wide in fear. “What are you going to do?”

I grip Steph tight, shaking her back and forth. She lets out a moan, her hand going to her head as she rouses. “Huh?”