Page 89 of Slashers & Secrets

Itwist my knife in my hand, my gloved fingers gripping the handle tightly as I stand in front of the house.

Steph Forani. One of the bitchiest girls in Hellcrest Heights. After the murder last year, Steph took it upon herself to start her own detective work. She and her little friends went out to the lighthouse many times, looking for clues, hoping for answers.

She has one. One that could take Lakyn down, should the need ever arise.

I plan to eradicate this notion tonight. Not because I want to save Lakyn. It’s not as if she really deserves to be freed.

No, if Lakyn ever pays for her crimes, it’ll be at the hands of me, and no one else.

Do I want to murder Lakyn, or do I want to save her?

It’s a question I’ve asked myself countless times, and each answer is different than the next.

My thoughts have always been to finish her off, give her the ending she deserves. Watch her friends suffer, then take her out. She deserves it, after taking a life of one she wasn’t meant to take.

But the world evolves, and so does my motive. Death isn’t out of the question, but playing with her has become much more enjoyable. Watching the fear mix with desire on her face makes me want to slice her skin as she erupts in an orgasm only I can give her. The man who she hides in the shadows.

She doesn’t speak a word about me to her friends, but I know she wants to.

I can see the agony of keeping this a secret. The pain it causes her to fall into the danger with me in the first place. I have no qualms about her speaking about us. She knows the repercussions of what would happen if she did.

She would lose everything, and the last thing Lakyn would want to lose are the people who keep her standing.

So, she’ll keep me in the dark, which I have no desire to leave. I’ll tear the clothes from her skin and caress her body in a way that has her arching into my gloved fingertips. I’ll bask in her euphoria as my fingers bruise her creamy flesh.

Though my emotions might have changed, altered since I first had my plan, the rest remains the same.

I will continue taking out every person involved in the murder. I will make them pay, whether that be with death, or life, or a combination of the two. They will pay for murdering someone they had no right to end.

They will regret what they’ve done.

I will make sure of it.

Headlights pull up down the street, alerting me to an incoming car. I shift to the left, hiding behind the large ash tree as I wait to see who it is.

A smirk lifts my lips when I see the familiar gray Prius pulling up the road.

Oh, Steph, just the girl I wanted to see.

I grip my knife tightly as I wait for her to pull into the driveway.

Tonight, I have a present for Lakyn. I only hope she enjoys it.

Steph pulls into her driveway, 21 Savage blaring through her speakers. She switches her car off, and the music cuts off instantly.

“Hello, yeah.” She giggles as she opens her door, her foot digging into the driveway as she steps out of her car. “I just got off work. I’m going to go change, and I’ll be ready.”

She giggles again, and I step away from the tree, making my way up the side of her yard. She heads to the front door, her purse slung in her arm as she holds the phone with her shoulder. Digging around aimlessly in her purse for her keys, I smirk when I hear the jingle of metal.

You won’t need those tonight, babe.

“Pick me up in fifteen. Yeah, bye.” She hangs up the phone, pulling her keys from her purse with a sigh.

I step over one of the hedges near the sidewalk, my foot pressing against the concrete. The sound has her jolting, and she glances over her shoulder, her eyes connecting with mine.

They spring wide, and her limbs lock up in a defensive stance.

I lift my hand holding my knife in the air, giving her a small wave.