Page 85 of Slashers & Secrets

And I do.

It powers through me so violently I turn limp in his arms, and he holds me tightly as his hips lift, rapidly thrusting until I can feel him tense, growing so large my walls stretch even farther, and pain mingles with pleasure. I gasp, his power too much.

Falling onto my back, his hands shove into the mattress on each side of my head, his hair falling over his forehead, sweat dripping from his temple, and onto my skin. It’s warm as it grazes down my cheek, sinking into my hair.

His head tilts back, his eyes closing as his neck turns corded, and he explodes, his body tensing as he fills me, completes me, claiming me so I will only ever belong to him.

We rock against each other until his thrusts slow and he stops, his cock twitching inside of me.

His head leans forward, and he looks down at me, his eyes dark, but also filled with so much emotion my fingers twitch, and I can’t help but reach forward, brushing his hair aside.

He’ll destroy my heart; I know it because it’s what Reign and I are. We’re both pleasure, and love, and pain.

But I’m prepared for it, because this time I know it’s coming. And this time, I’m anticipating the fall.


My eyes fling open, and I sit up, the world tilting sideways as I attempt to gain my bearings.

I glance around, last night coming back to me. My eyes fall to the spot on the mattress beside me, seeing it empty, the sheets rumpled, the indentation in the pillow still present. My hand falls to the sheets, and I notice they’re cool.

He’s been gone a while.

“Shut the fuck up!” the roar comes from downstairs, and I immediately know it’s Archer’s.

My body tenses.

I whip the sheets back, picking up one of Reign’s spare shirts from the ground and tearing it over my head as I race to the door. I swing it open so abruptly it bangs against the wall, though I don’t pay attention to see if I’ve made a dent as I race downstairs toward the chaos.

“Stop! Both of you!” Kyler roars.

“I’ll fucking kill you,” Reign seethes.

My eyes widen, and I leap down the rest of the stairs, the soles of my feet punching against the wooden floor, a zing of pain rushing up my shins as I run into the living room.

The shouting stops at the sound of my pounding feet, and they all turn to me as I enter the room. Archer and Reign are toe to toe, one of the end tables knocked on its side, the large lamp broken to bits beside them.

What’s going on?

Archer’s eyes widen, and he turns toward me. “You really fucking did it, Lakyn? He’s telling the truth?” There’s rage, lethal, destroyable anger in his words. He’s not hurt, no, not at all.

He wants to kill Reign.

He looks like he wants to kill me.

Kyler shakes his head, turning his back to me, and I can tell he’s furious with me as well.

“You’re a fucking fool, Lakyn,” Creed clips from the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in front of him. He’s watching me angrily, and I glance away from him. It hurts too much.

Archer steps closer to me, rage on his face. “You fucked him, Lakyn?” He reaches me, his hand gripping my chin, tilting my face toward his.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” Reign snaps.

Archer whips his gaze over his shoulder. “I can do whatever the fuck I want, Reign. She’s mine, more than you fucking know since you left for three fucking years.” He tears the words through the air, and it cuts me deep, like he knew those words would.

Turning back toward me, he gets close, and I know he’s doing it to stir Reign up. “Tell me he’s lying, Lakyn.” His jaw clenches, as if he’s holding himself back from tearing apart the entire house.

“What did he say?” I ask, still disoriented, confused about what’s going on.