Page 68 of Slashers & Secrets

“Shit, Lakyn, you must have been tired,” Vienna says, a pair of glasses on as she sits at the breakfast bar. A steaming cup of coffee sits in front of her, and all I can do is grunt, walking around the both of them.

I open the cupboard, instantly shutting it when I see bowls and plates, and heading to the next one.

Still finding my way around this place.

“Lakyn?” Posie asks in a curious voice.

I glance at her over my shoulder, pulling a black coffee cup from the cupboard.

“Are you okay?” she asks slowly.

I go to the Nespresso machine, popping a pod in the top. “Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?” I wonder if they can sense what happened last night. The betrayal I must have caused.

Shit, I’m fucked up.

“Because you look like you got fucked ten ways to Sunday,” Vienna snickers, and I shoot her a glare.

Posie shoves her own coffee cup away from her, tilting her head at me. “I’m serious. You look like you got laid. Did someone come over last night?”

Vienna narrows her eyes. “I did think I heard a noise at some point, but I totally ignored it.” Her eyes widen. “Did someone come here? Who was it? Reign? Archer?”

A masked killer?

My mouth opens, and I debate telling them every bit of the truth. Coming clean about what happened, but as my lips pop open, the words won’t come out.

A part of me fears of what will happen if I tell the truth.

The other part of me wants to keep him a secret. The dark, deranged part of me.

“No one came over. I just had a rough night of sleep, is all.”

They both stare at me blankly, and I know they don’t believe a word I’m saying.

“I’m serious. Nothing happened,” I mumble, grabbing my steaming cup of coffee. I walk over to the bar, sitting next to Posie as I take a sip. “Have you heard from Eloise’s parents?”

She perks up slightly, though still seems distressed. “Yeah, actually. They called me this morning. They took the tube out, and she’s started stirring, but hasn’t woken up. They said it’s going to be a little bit of a recovery, though they think she’s out of the woods.”

My shoulders drop in relief. “That’s such good news.”

Posie takes a sip of her coffee. “Yeah, hopefully, she can wake up soon so she can give us a little information on who hurt her. She might have some clues that would help us.”

I swallow over the lump in my throat, lifting my cup and taking a sip so I don’t speak a word.

Maybe I’m the monster.

My phone pings, and I slip it out of my sleep shorts, seeing Archer’s name on the screen.

Archer:Bethany is having a party tonight. We’re going.

I sigh.

Me:Have fun.

The three little bubbles instantly pop up.

Archer:You’re funny. You’re coming.

Another sigh.