Page 62 of Slashers & Secrets

He leans forward, grabbing a pen and Post-it Note from her side of the counter. She scrambles back slightly, taken aback by his audacity. “Listen, if any of the officers have a problem with us being here, you can have them give me a call and I’ll gladly speak with them,” he clips.

She stares at him as she grabs for the note. Her fingers graze against his, and a blush creeps up her features.

She thinks he’s hot. Of course, she does.

“I could lose my job,” she whispers.

He smirks. “I’ll make sure you don’t.”

Stepping back from the counter, his hand grazes down, his fingers lacing through mine. “Let’s go, Lakyn.”

“Which room is she in?” Archer asks.

Her eyes are glued to Reign, and the moment Archer speaks, she jolts in place, her eyes glancing to him.

“Oh! Um, room two thirty-four. Miss Sharpe is in room two thirty-four.”

Archer nods, and we walk around the desk, heading in that direction.

The occasionalbeep, beepof the monitors, the nurse call lights, and the phones ringing make the anxiety ramp up, until I’m gripping Reign’s fingers fiercely, my heart pounding against my chest.

I see her room number up ahead, and we pause once we get to her door, our feet squeaking as we come to a pause.

Kyler reaches forward, pressing on the handle to her door, and swings it open. A curtain is drawn in front of the door, and he reaches up, pulling it aside. The sound of metal hooks sliding along the metal rods is like nails on a chalkboard.

Her bed is revealed, with Eloise lying in the center. The white, crisp sheet is tucked under her arms, flattened around her body to the side of the bed.

Holy shit. She looks horrible.

Tubes are hooked up at every angle. From her arms to her mouth, then they go into her nose and some are even hidden beneath her blue patterned hospital gown.

“Holy fucking shit,” Archer snaps, stepping up to her bed. He looks so fucking livid as his hand grazes the comforter. “Who the hell did this?”

“I don’t know, but we have to figure it out,” Creed growls.

“This is fucking bullshit.” Reign pulls me up to the side of her bed. He grabs the sheet, and I gasp as he drags it down, revealing the top of her chest.

My eyes widen when I see her covered in bandages. Thick cotton covers pale yellow tape that sticks against her pale skin.

It’s like all the blood has been drained from her.

Reign frowns when he stares at her, angry at the situation she’s in. He pulls it back up, covering her wounds, before grabbing her arm beneath the sheet and lifting it up gently. Bruises line her bared arms, a watercolor painting of green and purple.

“She must have been so scared,” Vienna whimpers, grabbing onto Posie.

I nod my head, not sure what else there is to say.

Leaning forward, my hand brushes against her shoulder gently. “El? Do you hear me?”

Her body feels limp, lifeless, as I nudge her.

“She’s not going to wake up, Lakyn. They probably have her sedated for the pain,” Kyler mumbles from the other side of the bed.

“I don’t want to see her like this anymore. This is too much,” Vienna whispers to Creed. “I’m going to contact her mom and see if the doctors have given any updates.”

Creed nods. “Let’s get out of here. We’re not going to get any answers here anyway. At least we know she’s still breathing.”

For now.