Page 56 of Slashers & Secrets

My eyes start watering at the sight of her, and I wiggle out of Reign’s hold, walking toward her with my arms opened.

She rushes into my embrace, and we clutch onto each other, the fear, the sadness over Eloise, all the emotions comingling until we are holding on to each other to keep us afloat. Posie comes up on my other side, her arms wrapping around the both of us.

My mind flits to the other day, thinking it may be one of my friends playing a prank on me, angry for one thing or another.

But now one of our own is seriously hurt, and I know none of the guys in front of me would injure one of us. We’re too close, too tight to ever go to that extent. Hurting one of us is hurting all of us. We’re not just friends, we’re family.

It had to have been someone outside of this group. Someone that would want to hurt us. Tear us apart.

“Who would’ve done this?” I cry into their arms.

Reign stands up to his full height, staring out the window with rage in his eyes. “I don’t know, but we’re going to go find out.”

Pulling up to the school in the back of Archer’s car, curled up against Reign, with Kyler’s hand wrapped around my other thigh, I feel nothing but anxiety and the heavy weight of guilt on my shoulders.

My best friend is in the hospital, and from what Vienna has said, she doesn’t know if she’ll make it.

She hasn’t stopped crying from the back seat of the car. Constant sniffles and hiccups, and Creed’s mumblings to her that it’s all going to be okay. That Eloise will survive.

He doesn’t know that, though. None of us do.

I glance outside the window as Archer shifts into park, the school lot packed even though it’s a Saturday. News reporters, police, students, family, detectives, everyone and anyone fill the lot and the yard, a mass of people looking to get a glimpse of the remnants of the attack.

I frown, my teeth grinding together in irritation. Whenever something negative happens, people flock to it like it’s a piece of art. They want a chance to see it, to experience the horror firsthand.

I growl as my body stiffens, knowing right now isn’t the time for my anger, but it’s present, and I worry it’s only going to get worse.

Archer turns off the car, and Posie slips out, still in her pajama pants and hoodie. Archer follows her, and one by one, the rest of us follow suit. Reign sticks close to me, and I don’t know whether his presence is helping or hurting.

Warm fingers brush along my palm, and I glance over, seeing Archer step up on the other side of me. I watch him as he stares at me with narrowed eyes, lacing his fingers through mine. He gives me a small tug, pulling me toward him slightly.

Reign stiffens on my other side, and my head turns toward him. He shoots Archer a glare, and all I can feel is tension building on both sides of me.

“I’m going to figure this out, baby Lake, and I’m going to make sure no one else gets hurt,” Archer says, his eyes tired and vengeful as he watches the reporters talk about Eloise, as if she really did die. As if she’s another statistic in the world.

She isn’t a statistic.

She’s my best friend.

Kyler steps up to the yellow police tape that is wrapped around the school, directly in front of the library. The doors are propped open, and my eyes fall to the crime scene investigators walking in and out, gloves and masks covering their faces, many of them in deep discussions.

Kyler lifts the yellow tape, and a police officer instantly steps up to us, his hand up to block us from crossing to the other side.

“Sorry, this is a crime scene,” he barks, as if it isn’t the most obvious thing in the world.

Archer steps up to him, keeping his fingers firmly wrapped around mine. “My father is the Senator of Maine, and our friend was attacked here last night. If you feel the need to deny us entry, I can guarantee you won’t have a job come tomorrow morning,” Archer growls.

The police officer narrows his eyes. “I can’t just let you guys trample around the fucking crime scene. Take it up with your father. I’m sure he’ll say the same.”

Archer clenches my hand tightly, to the point blood flow is cut off. I whimper, and Reign snaps his eyes to my hand, his eyes wide. He reaches over, peeling his fingers away.

The way Archer stares at Reign could light a city on fire.

The way Reign watches Archer could demolish an army.

Reign steps toward the officer, leaning his top half over the tape. He curls his finger in acome heremotion, and the officer narrows his eyes as he leans forward, his hand sliding to his Glock on his waist. Reign smirks as he leans in, his hand going up to cup around his lips as he whispers into the officer’s ear.

The officer’s eyes widen a moment, and I watch as the blood drains from his face, an audible swallow working its way down his throat. He steps back after a moment, fearful as he glances around in shock.