Page 31 of Slashers & Secrets

Bending over the railing, I shout to Eloise and Vienna. “I’m leaving!”

“Don’t light anything on fire!” Eloise shouts.

My mouth pops open.Really?

I open the door, the afternoon sun shining bright. There’s a crispness in the air, warnings of winter just around the corner. My feet crunch on the orange leaves, and someone’s motion Halloween decoration starts laughing as I head down the sidewalk.

George steps out of his black SUV, his suit and sunglasses permanently in place. He gives me a small nod as he opens my door.

“Hi, George.”

“Lakyn. You look lovely today.” He speaks the words like he believes them, but he knows my parents won’t agree.

I smile at him, sliding onto the leather seats. It smells like expensive cologne in here, combined with leather and a hint of rich cigar.

George gives me a small nod, shutting my door. I push myself back until my spine hits the seat, my head resting on the headrest. Turning to glance at the house, I tilt my head, my eyes connecting with Posie’s through my bedroom window. Her face twists in worry as she raises her hand in a small wave.

My hand lifts, and I wave back, wondering if she can even see me through the tinted windows.

The car jolts a moment later as George takes off, and I let out a sigh that barely relieves the tension in my body.

Here goes nothing.

Pulling up to my parents’ estate feels like going back to school. Everything is familiar, almost comforting in a way, yet you would also rather be anywhere else in the world at that very moment.

We pull around the circular driveway of the grand two-story home, a large stone fountain in the middle, the clear water trickling down the stone walls. Nothing has changed in the last eleven months, except for maybe a few plants that look as if they’ve been changed out for new, taller, greener, more vibrant flowers.

“Welcome home, Lakyn,” George says as he turns off his car.

I stare at his sunglasses-covered eyes in the rearview mirror. “Is it?”

“Of course, it is. Why wouldn’t it be?” he bristles.

My lips purse as I stare at him. “My parents did kick me out. Don’t you remember?” I say sarcastically. “You were part of the dragging me out of here against my will fiasco.”

He stiffens in his seat, and I don’t feel the least bit guilty this time. I love George. He’s been in my family for many years, always diligently at my father’s side, but at the end of the day, he works for my father, not for me. And if my father wants him to pull me out of my own room against my will, George will do it with no question.

“I certainly remember. Hopefully, you’ve learned something from your vacation.”

I bark out a laugh. “Are we calling it a vacation now?”

His hand goes up, and he straightens his tie. “If you have qualms, I do believe you should take it up with your parents.” He turns in his seat, lifting his glasses so his dark eyes catch mine. “But let me give you a piece of advice?”

I don’t want it.

“Okay,” I say slowly.

“Your parents have done a lot of damage control over the last few months. Maybe be a little grateful that you still have a school to go to, and you were able to come back to this town without any repercussions of your actions.”

I roll my tongue along my teeth. “Are you suggesting I committed a murder, George?” My words are low, barely a whisper under my breath, though there’s an edge to them.

His eyes narrow a moment before he turns back around, grabbing the key fob and opening his door. “I don’t think anyone can really know what you’re capable of, Lakyn.”

And with that, he steps out of the car, shutting it behind him before walking up to my door and opening it, sliding his glasses back over his eyes.

I guess our pep talk is over.

I slip out of the car, adjusting my shirt as another car pulls down my drive. A black Rolls-Royce, the rims black, with four bodies filling the seats.