Page 19 of Slashers & Secrets

I nod. “Yeah, I’m glad to be back.” It was fucking torture for me, but I can’t imagine what they thought, not having any answers to where I went or if anything was wrong. “I’m sorry about my parents. They really are assholes.”

She shrugs. “Aren’t all our parents assholes? Being in politics is almost like an automatic hat is on your head that makes you a horrible human.”

I laugh. “True that.”

All our parents hold some rank in politics. My father is the governor, Archer’s father is the senator, Eloise’s father is the mayor, Creed’s father is the secretary of state, Vienna’s father is the attorney general, and Kyler’s father is the treasurer.

And they’re all corrupt as fuck.

“Is that my fucking Lake?” booms a voice, and I glance up, seeing Archer standing at the top of the hill, his face stone, though his eyes burn with a heat that has my knees locking in place.

His body moves effortlessly, powerfully, as he comes around a large rock, his dark jeans perfectly fitted, but not too tight around his thighs. He has a dark gray t-shirt on that shows off the definition in his arms and his chest. His chocolate brown hair lays in a mess on top of his head, lightly tamed to the side. He’s so damn handsome, so untouchable.

I hate him. I love him. But at the end of the day, he’s my best friend.

“He’s got his girl back,” Posie mumbles as she steps away from me.

I shoot a glare her way.I’m not his, is what I want to scream, when even I don’t believe the words.

Archer rushes toward me, and he doesn’t give me a moment to react before I’m lifted into his arms. He holds me tightly, his fingers wrapping underneath my thigh, while his other hand presses against my lower back, pushing me against him. He hugs me fiercely, and even though I’m angry with him, I can’t stop the familiarity of my body against his. They call me theirs, but they’re also mine.

They are my guys.

“Archer,” I whisper, my hands going around his neck. My fingers burrow into his hair as I settle my head on his shoulder. “I missed you.”

His fingers give my hair a tug. I glance up at him, and he releases my back, his fingers going to my jaw. “I missed you, baby,” he rasps, pulling my face to his for a kiss. It’s simple, only a peck on the lips, and I allow it, because I’ve allowed it a million times from him and all the guys. The only one who doesn’t kiss me anymore is Creed, and it’s only because Vienna is just as possessive as these guys are.

“Put her down, asshole,” snaps a voice from behind me. My heart thuds as I turn around, glancing at Kyler over my shoulder. I wiggle out of Archer’s arms, and though he’s hesitant to let me go, he does, his fingers releasing me as I turn toward his friend.

Kyler’s hand snaps out, and he snakes it around my waist, hauling me to him. “How are you, Lakyn?” he mumbles as he dips, pressing a kiss to my cheek. His fingers go to my hair, and he brushes it away from my eyes as he tilts my face to his. “I hope no one fucked with you when you were gone.”

I shake my head, my fingers brushing against his tanned arms. He stands before me in a pair of black joggers and a hoodie. “No one hurt me, and if they did, I think you’d be surprised to know how much I would be able to handle it myself.”

He smirks. “I don’t really fucking care if you can handle it or not. You’ve got us, Lakyn.”

I roll my eyes, because they weren’t there, though I know they would’ve been if they could’ve.

I see a head of blond hair and turn my head to see Creed walking toward me. I smirk at him, slipping out of Kyler’s arms as I walk his way. He wraps me in his arms, a smirk on his face as he hugs me. “Missed you, Lake. You aren’t leaving again, you hear me?”

I nod, my brows lifting. “I don’t plan to, Creed.”

“Come on, Lakyn. Let’s go have some fun,” Posie laughs, her fingers lacing with mine as she tugs me away from Creed.

Archer pulls me back, tossing his arm around my shoulders as he guides me toward the boat. “Not letting you go yet,” he growls. I don’t mind, leaning into him, into his familiar scent, the ocean, marijuana, and a hint of rich cologne. I hold on to him tightly as we walk across the oversized boulders, some flat, easy stones, while others are smooth, too round. One unsteady step and you’ll slip. Guaranteed broken bone.

I let go of Archer, and he hops onto the boat, turning around with his arms extended.

I grab onto them with ease, and he pulls me across and onto the side. His arms instantly wrap around my waist as he balances me, and I tilt my head back with a smile. My heart warms at how much I missed the feel of his protectiveness. I give his arm a squeeze, glancing at the movement over his shoulder.

And my smile drops.

My mouth pops open, my hands loosening from Archer’s as I stare at the man in front of me. At the angry eyes that are not just watching me, but ingraining themselves into my soul. I can feel the breath leave my lungs, the air sucked out with force as the man in front of me steals everything.

Just as he always has.

The man who stole my heart and watched it burn.

“Reign?” I gasp.