Page 143 of Slashers & Secrets

No one speaks about the murder at all.

Hell, they haven’t even brought up the slasher since we left the jail a few nights ago. It’s been quiet, and I haven’t spoken to the guys once. The girls have stuck at home, all of us feeling a little off-kilter after the police arrested Archer and Reign.

I haven’t even seen the masked man either. I haven’t really expected to, not with the police ramping up on just about every block, around every corner of campus.

Curfew is still in effect. Though the party is still on. At the lighthouse, of course. I’m dreading going there, not wanting to even step foot in that part of town.

Though, we never miss a Halloween party in Hellcrest Heights. I have to go, even if I don’t want to.

Everyone is going to be there. I mean, everyone. Word is it’s going to be packed.

On my way into school, I drove down the road, and I could already see the Halloween decorations starting to get set up there.

Posie and Vienna have even stopped there to drop off some things, but I haven’t wanted to go.

I can’t. People forget about the death, but it’s a stain on my back, and it feels almost taboo to go there and act like nothing happened.

Though, I have to. I have to continue on with my life. That means delving into the nightmares that I’m trapped in.

Stepping onto the dark, dangerous road I seem to have found myself permanently stuck on.

I wonder when it will end, and if any of us will survive.

Turning the corner, I head down the pathway that leads to the parking lot.

I duck my head as I step underneath a large apple tree out front, the shade and cool air causing a shiver to slip around my limbs.

Suddenly, a strong arm wraps around my waist, and I’m hauled against the trunk of the tree. I glance up, instantly noticing the scent of Reign. He smells delicious and looks positively angry.

“Reign,” I sigh, my arms going around his neck as I give him a hug. It’s instinctive, and I can’t think about anything else except for wrapping my arms around him. I missed him.

Though, he tenses, his hands going to my waist as he pushes me back.

My heart drops to my stomach, and I feel an instant emptiness.

“You’re still mad at me.” Not a question, but a statement. I can feel it in him.

He shakes his head. “I’m not mad at you, Lakyn. I mean, I was, but when you sit your ass on a cement block for a few days, all you have time to do is think. And all I fucking realized is that you’re mine. This isn’t a temporary thing, Lakyn. This is a forever thing. So, I won’t be mad at you, but I’m through with the bullshit. Where you’re concerned, anyone who touches you, you’ll be the last fucking person they touch.”

My eyes widen. “You can’t just go around and murder everyone who touches me.”

He lifts a brow. “Says who?”

My fingers grab onto his hoodie, so glad he’s changed out of his jail clothes. I step closer, wanting him to surround me. “Says the world. You can’t murder just because you want to.”

He laughs, his fingers going to my chin. “You’re foolish, baby Lake. I can do things much worse to them than just ending their lives. The moment they touch what’s mine, all bets are off. They’ll be lucky if death is all they get.”

A shiver breaks over my body as his finger pinches my chin, pulling my face toward his. He gives me a tug, his lips securing against mine. I let out a whimper, my arms going over his shoulders, clutching him to me, desperate for every inch of him.

His lips scrape to my cheek, running up my jaw. “And if I ever catch you with anyone else, it won’t just be their death you need to be afraid of,” he whispers, and ice shoots into my veins. I gasp, leaning back to stare at him.

His eyes are narrowed at me, and only danger lurks in the depths of his brown irises.

I need to make this right. Reign is my heart, and he means the world to me.

“Why do I feel like there’s still more chaos to come?” I whisper, shivering at the feel of his hands as they burrow under my sweatshirt, digging into my bare skin.

He chuckles, a glint in his eye. “Because, Lakyn, there is.”