Page 13 of Slashers & Secrets

She lets out a groan. “You haven’t called your mom yet, have you?”

I shake my head. “No. Why the hell should I?”

She sighs. “Call her and then call me back, okay?”

“Posie… I just got my phone back for the first time in seven months. The last thing I want to do is talk to her.”

“Listen, get this shit out of the way now. Rip the Band-Aid off, and then call me back, because I have so much to fill you in on. Okay, love you, bye!” She disconnects with a kiss, and I frown into the phone, letting out a groan as my stomach fills with lead.

I don’t want to talk to them.

I sit for almost an hour, my legs crisscrossed on top of my bed, yet my feet can’t stop twitching, and my entire body trembles with unease as I attempt to build up the courage.

Taking a deep breath, I hold it until my lungs scream, then blow it out, opening my text messages. TappingLyana Ashford,I hit the call button, pressing the speaker button, and drop my phone onto my mattress.

I need distance, even through a cell phone.

“Lakyn,” she says softly. “How is Montana?”

Really? REALLY?!

I bite the inside of my cheek, my fingers itching to hang up already. Though I don’t, my foot twitching again as I glare at my screen. “Your message said to call you,” I clip. I’m not going to give her the small talk she’s craving, just so she can say she caught up with her daughter. It’s nothing loving, it’s only a means for her to check it off her list.

Nice mother award today, check.

Fuck no. No, thank you.

She clears her throat, and the urge to hang up on her is brutal. Talking to her is painful in and of itself, then add how angry I am at her right now, and she should be happy we’re across the country from each other.

“Your father and I were talking, and he thought it best you come back home, to Maine,” she says softly.

I hum into the phone. “Okay…”

“But, we do both think it’s in our best interest that you not come back home. You are an adult, after all.”

I cock my head to the side. “And where will I go?” I have no problem with it. Shove me into one of the abandoned homes off the coast. Anything would be better than living in the cold, heartless mansion of my parents.

Yet, the sting still hits my chest at them kicking me out. Literally.

“I spoke with Mr. And Mrs. Gray, and I guess Posie and the girls got a house in town. There is a spare bedroom there. I figured you wouldn’t mind those arrangements,” she says, and I want to roll my eyes at the word“arrangements.”

Just give it to me straight, Mother. You’re kicking me out on my ass.

“Sure. That sounds fine,” I mumble.

She’s silent for a second, then she’s clearing her throat again before she says, “Great. I’ve already had the movers bring your things from your room over to the house. It’ll be set up for you upon your return.”

I scoff under my breath. She didn’t even give me a chance to say whether or not I was okay with it. She just moved all my things for me. My teeth grind, and an ache shoots through my jaw.

“Wonderful,” I deadpan. Grabbing the spare pillow beside me, I bring it up, pressing it over my face. I want to scream. I desperately want to scream.

“Perfect. And we will expect you to come over for dinner in a couple of days, yes? We don’t want you to be a stranger.”

I bite my tongue, blood coating my teeth.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Great! Well, I do have to get going, but I’ll see you in two days. Have a safe flight home, Lakyn.” And with that, she hangs up.