Page 123 of Slashers & Secrets

Reign stares at the body in confusion. “Who the fuck is this guy?” he growls, his head lowering until his dark eyes clash with mine. “Some old guy? What the fuck is this?”

Archer starts laughing, and Creed immediately shuts the door, locking it behind him.

“Why are you laughing!” Vienna cries from the other room. “Creed, come here! I can’t… I can’t,” she chokes. “It looks so disgusting.”

I do have to agree with her. It looks like this guy’s eyes are about to pop out of his head, and his face is the shade of the eggplant emoji.

Archer points at him, laughter still shaking his chest. “I almost killed this fucker.”

My eyes widen, and I shoot to a stand. “What?” I scream.

Kyler stands closer, squinting at the dead man. “Huh, that really is the douchebag. Isn’t it? I didn’t recognize him without his uniform and pussy-ass look on his face.”

Archer scowls, walking past me without a word and up the stairs. He makes it to the landing on the second level, and heads to the middle where the rope hangs. Digging into his pocket, he pulls out his knife, opening the blade before he reaches for the rope. The man’s body swings, and my stomach flips anxiously as Archer reaches his blade out, swiping it easily.

I bring my legs up to my chest as the body crashes to the ground. My head turns to the side, wincing as his limbs twist in a contorted way.

Reign walks over to me, lifting me up and pulling me out of the way. “What the fuck is he doing in the house, though? What does he have to do with you?”

“He was in charge of Zane’s case,” Eloise clips, staring at the detective in irritation. “I fucking hate him.”

Reign glances at the dead man. “The guy who died last year?”

I clench my jaw, staring at the dead man’s stomach, at the stab wounds that must have been so painful.

Archer walks down the hall, tucking his knife back into his pocket. “We need to take care of the body. But it’s too light out. We’re going to have to wait until it’s dark before we move him.”

“So, you’re saying we’re going to have to the keep his body in our house until it gets dark out?” Posie groans.

My eyes narrow. “How the hell did the slasher get the body in our house in the middle of the day?”

Kyler shrugs. “Probably the same way he killed some girl at a party, and how he broke into your parents’ house and killed your dad in the shower. Fucking slayer.”

I narrow my eyes.Is he envious? Or fucking proud?

“Well, we might as well find something else to do while we wait,” Creed suggests, walking into the entryway with one of the blankets from the couch.

“Creed! Not my nice blanket!” Eloise snaps.

Creed shrugs, rolling his eyes. “Fine. Stare at his eyes bulging out of his head.” He turns around, walking back into the living room.

I sigh, refusing to look at anyone. I don’t even know how I feel right now.

“I need a drink,” I grunt, walking into the kitchen.

“Lift him, Lakyn. Fucking lift him,” Creed snaps, grabbing at the man’s shoulders.

I scowl, my fingers holding on to his thick ankles and beaten-down sneakers. “Why am I the one holding him? What about the guys?”

“I’m going to have to dispose of him. You can do some of the dirty work, Lakyn,” Kyler mumbles, a cigarette perched between his lips.

I scowl. “You’re acting like I don’t do anything.”

Creed holds the door open, letting out a chuckle. “I remember you helped dig the hole. A little bit, at least.”

I sigh, walking past Vienna, who has the sleeve of her sweatshirt up to her nose. Eloise looks exhausted, but I know she’s been cleaning the house for the last couple of hours, attempting to get rid of any remaining evidence.

We have no clue if he died at our house, but we don’t want any kind of clues left behind.