Page 113 of Slashers & Secrets

“It’s my father’s blood. He’s dead.” I barely remember my tongue curling around the words, but I can hear my voice having said them.

Kyler’s face screws up in shock. “Wait,what?”

“What the fuck do you mean, dead?” Archer asks from the top of the stairs. I glance up at him, and everything that’s happened to us lately comes bubbling to the surface.

“Did you guys kill my father?” I cry, my knees giving out as I crumple to the floor.

“What the fuck, Lakyn?” Reign snaps, crouching down beside me.

Archer’s feet pound down the stairs, and Reign gives him a look, but allows him to come up to me.

Archer’s hand settles on my back, warm and comforting. “Why the hell would we kill your father?”

“The real question is, why the hell are you sad about it? You hate your father,” Creed clips.

I glance up at him. “I’m not sad. I’m… I’m t-thankful.” Shame attempts to slip into my bones, but I refuse its entrance.

Reign’s finger goes to my jaw, and he tilts my gaze to his. “We didn’t kill your father, baby. We were all here, all night.”

I bite my lip, more confused than ever.

Who is my masked man?

Another tear slips free, and Reign catches it with his thumb, bringing it to his mouth. He pops it between his lips, his lids lowering as he watches me closely.

“What the fuck happened to you, Lake?” Archer asks. He doesn’t care about anyone, lifting me into his arms and standing up straight. He guides me through the house, setting me down on the couch in the living room. “How the fuck did you get his blood on you?”

I take a deep breath, staring at each of them. They all have separate looks of distress and anger on their faces.

“Is that your blood?” Kyler snaps, his face twisting in anger.

I shake my head, taking another shaky, deep breath as I prepare to tell them the entire story.

“George called me this morning, freaking out. He came and picked me up, but wouldn’t say a word. He brought me to my parents’ house, and there were a ton of police and crime scene people there. My mom was crying, but I didn’t see my dad, so I went upstairs and into his bathroom and saw the tape, and the blood, and…” I choke, breathing though my nose as my eyes begin to burn. “He was dead. In the shower.”

Archer pulls me against him, his arm going around my shoulders. “I’m so fucking sorry, Lakyn,” he mumbles.

“Why the hell didn’t you call me?” Reign snaps, and I lift my gaze to his.

“Why are you angry?” I grumble.

He cocks his head to the side. “Because someone just killed your fucking dad and you just walked across town with his blood on you and you think everything is okay. That’s why I’m angry.”

“That was a pretty stupid fucking move, Lake,” Kyler snaps.

My jaw grinds, and I grow irritated.

I shove Archer’s arm off my shoulder, pushing myself to a stand. “I didn’t come here to get barked at by the four of you. My dad just died!”

“Which you’re fucking happy about!” Reign snaps.

My cheeks flame red. “It doesn’t make it right,” I grit between my teeth.

He barks out a laugh. “Right, because murder is only okay when it comes from you, right?”

I can hear my molars begin to crack as I grind my jaw. Before his words even settle in my mind, I step forward, my hand snapping out. My palm connects with his cheek as a vicious slap rings through the room.

He grabs my wrist, hauling me close, until my shoulder brushes against his chest, and I can feel the beating of his heart going a mile a minute.