Page 101 of Slashers & Secrets

“I don’t do well under pressure!” she shouts.

“Clearly,” I mutter.

“Can you tell me where you were?"

She nods. “Just out. We hang out in the woods and stuff.”

“You and Lakyn? Was anyone else with you guys that can account for your night?”

“Yeah, we—”

The camera suddenly cuts off, static playing for a moment before a shaky camera comes into view. All I can see are trees and whispers, and suddenly, I see Posie’s back. And Archer. They stand toe to toe, both looking angry, frustrated… worried.

“We’re fucked. Fucked, Archer.”

“Oh, my God,” Posie whispers, and goosebumps pop along my flesh at the horror in her tone.

“Who is recording you?” Vienna asks lowly.

“I have no idea. But I swear someone was in the woods with us,” she whispers.

“We’re fine, Posie.” Archer pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her.

“No, we’re not,” she cries, and my heart clenches. “He knows we did something, Archer. He knows.”

“No one fucking knows anything,” Archer snaps.

“No! You weren’t in that room with me. The way the detective was looking at me, writing things down. I was horrible.”

“We’ll be fine.”

“They think it was Lakyn. They think Lakyn did it. He kept asking questions about her.”

Archer stiffens. “I will kill them if they think they can take her down. I won’t let them.”

My heart swells, and breaks.

“We don’t even know where she is. She could already be locked up, for all we know,” she hiccups, crying heavily.

I lean over the couch, squeezing her leg. “I’m sorry my parents are assholes. I was okay,” I whisper.

Her fingers cover her face, and her back shakes with tremors. “I was so fucking scared, Lakyn.”

“We’ll figure it out, Pose. One way or another, we’re going to figure out how to fix this,” Archer tells her, his hand rubbing her back. She nods against his chest.

A branch cracks, and the camera moves back behind a tree. Posie and Archer spin around.

“Someone’s out there,” Posie whispers.

Archer pushes her behind him, and he walks toward the camera.

“Who’s there!”

Pure silence.

He narrows his eyes, looking around. It’s getting dark, and I know it’s hard to see in the woods at that time of night.

“Let’s get out of here,” he mumbles to Posie, and they walk away.