Page 58 of Slashers & Secrets

“I’m so fucking scared, Lake,” she whispers.

Vienna nods.

I clench my jaw, watching as the guys disappear around the shelves. I’m terrified, too. Worried at the thought of the masked man coming for the rest of this. Only this time, him finishing the job.

I want to find whoever it is behind the mask and rip him to shreds. I want to pull the mask off, grab his knife, and turn the blade right around on him. I want to obliterate his soul, just as he has my heart.

I want to do him twice as dirty as we did to Zane. I want to make him pay.

I’mgoingto make him pay.

“Let’s go,” I grumble, shoving off the shelf, making my way into the room.

“Where are you going? They said they were going to check it out,” Vienna whispers.

I glance at her worried face over my shoulder. “Vienna, how you’re acting right now is exactly how he wanted you to be. The masked man, whoever he is, wants us scared, wants us in shambles. I refuse to give him what he wants. Instead, I’ll give him a fucking war.”

I spin around, heading toward the guys. Posie and Vienna simultaneously sigh, and then footsteps sound as they follow after me. I duck down as I glance through the bookshelves, seeing the guys up again, unmoving. I walk around the shelf, my eyes on the ground.

It’s aged carpet, gold and green. Until green mixes with red. From drops to streaks. My brow furrows as I stare at the path.

It’s like she was running, and then she fell.

Or was pushed.

A large stain fills the ground, and then it looks like she was dragged.

My heart thumps.

What the hell happened here?

Creed is squatting in front of a pool of blood, seeped into the carpet. It doesn’t look red anymore, but a dark brown. Small plastic stands with numbers are placed around the room, exactly where the drips turned to streaks, and where the streaks turned into a puddle.

She fought. She fought so damn hard.

“Oh, my God,” Vienna chokes, and I listen as her feet rush away.

“Holy shit,” Posie whispers as she steps up beside me.

She suffered.

She was in pain.

I swallow over the lump in my throat. I can feel the distress she went through in this room. I can sense how absolutely terrified she was, as she knew her life was about to end. The air is thick with it, dense with unease.

Reign turns his dark eyes to me. He takes a step in my direction, filled with purpose, pointing to the bloodstain. “This shit is not happening to you, Lakyn. To any of you, you feel me?”

I shake my head, sorrow in my heart. “You can’t be sure of that, Reign. You can’t watch over all of us, all the time.”

“No, but we all can. Together,” Archer says, walking around her books that are scattered on the ground, another number card placed in front of it.

“Who the fuck did this?” Kyler snaps, looking around for anything to give us a hint.

I shake my head at Kyler. “You aren’t going to find anything.”

He snaps his gaze to mine. “How do you know?”

Because I just do.