Page 139 of Slashers & Secrets

I smile, absent of all humor. Leaning forward, I press my hands on the table, spreading my fingers. “I’m not playing any game, detective. Let me tell you something… you believe because my father is no longer here, you have a one-up and can get me to talk, like he was my guardian, or my bulldog or something. I’ll give it to you straight, he was fucking nothing. Without him here, he isn’t paying you off anymore, but the filter of my words is also gone. I don’t give a fuck whether I offend you or anyone in this police station. I don’t give a flying fuck whether you think I had anything to do with Zane’s death or anyone else’s. I didn’t, and I don’t, and I’m not going to play your game. I’m not afraid of you, and I sure as hell will not be intimidated by you.”

Shoving off the table, I lean back, my eyes narrowed as I cross my arms across my chest. He stares at me, contemplates my words, festering on being knocked down a notch or two on the totem pole.

He cracks his knuckles, steepling his fingers on the table. “How about this, Lakyn. You cooperate with me, and I’ll give you five minutes with Reign Whitmore.”

I narrow my eyes. “And Archer. I want five minutes with ArcherSantrell.”

He chuckles. “You’re pushing your luck, kid.”

I shrug. “Take it or leave it.”

He watches me with narrowed eyes, before his hand raises over the table, reaching for mine.

I stare at it a moment before my hand lifts, and I place my fingers in his.

“You’ve got yourself a deal, Miss Ashford.”

I bite my lip as he watches me closely.

"Do you know who the masked killer is?” he asks suddenly.

I let out a laugh. “Getting straight to the point, I see.”

He dips his face to the table, scribbling something out onto his paper. “There’s no time to waste. I have a waiting room full of people who need to be interviewed, endless paperwork to be filed, and a serial killer to catch.” His gaze lifts. “Unless you feel like wasting any more time?”

I nod my head toward his paper. “Get on with it, then.”Asshole.

He stares at me. “Who is the masked killer?”

I shrug. “I have no clue.”

His gaze does not waver, and neither does mine. "You’re telling the truth.”

I give him a single nod. “I am. I have no idea who is behind the mask.”

He jots something down on the paper. “Do you know the man who showed up on the shore today?”

My toes curl inside my shoes. “I have no idea who he is.”

He hums, writing down something else. “You know, Lakyn, your prints were all over Zane’s body and clothing. Do you know that?”

I stiffen in my chair, saying nothing. I refuse to incriminate myself.

“None of that matters at the end of the day. That book has been closed, but I’m just curious, am I going to find your prints on this man as well?” he asks, his head tilting to the side.

Yes, you probably will.

“I’d have to touch him for there to be prints on him.”Which I have.

He hums again, jotting something else down. “Here’s the biggest question, Lakyn.”

I hold my breath, anticipating the worst.

“Zane is murdered, who you were having sexual relations with.” Ish, gag me.

“And then your friend is attacked, connected to you. Then Heather Nolander is murdered at the party, and her father is the was one of the detectives working on Zane’s case.And the woman we found in the woods, who, after some digging, we found was creating videos about you being a murderer. Then your father passes away, also connected to you. Then Detective Ballard passes away, who is the detective who was handling the case of Zane, yet was also paid off by your father. Lastly, a girl comes into the emergency room tonight with stab wounds in her abdomen saying the slasher attacked her. Do you know who that girl is, Lakyn?”

I shake my head.