Page 55 of Bleeding Dawn

“How, when I’d be surprised if Dez can walk,” James stage-whispered at the best possible time.

The song had ended and everyone heard, prompting laughter and Dez to flip James off.

“Pretty sure Riley’s got you covered there,” James shot back, the waning laughter sparking to new heights.

“That’s our cue,” Zakk purred as all the attention shifted to Dez and Riley, who didn’t look the slightest bit ashamed.

While Tripp was still trying to wrap his mind around what was happening, Zakk had him by the hand and was leading him across the sand and away from the flames, into the shadows where Tripp found himself dragged into one of the meditation ponds.


Water splashed across Tripp’s nose, warm drops in his eyes momentarily blinding him. Splatters of it plastered his hair to the side of his neck, while something plopped on the top of his head. Swiping at it meant the back of his hand came in contact with slick, slimy skin, prompting a louder, and more offended ribbbittttt.

“Are you trying to drown me?” Tripp sputtered as he scrubbed at the moisture on his face only to be knocked backwards by the force of Zakk hurling himself at him. The kiss was intense, the moment messy. Rough stone rubbed against the back of his shirt, snagging a little. Grunting, Tripp reversed their positions, taking charge of things.

“I didn’t….see the pond,” Zakk gasped when they finally broke away from one another again. They could blame the sliver of moon out tonight and the towering oasis the spa had planted there to create a tranquil, closed off space.

Chuckling, Tripp shook his head, sending droplets splattering around them. “So much for our sly little disappearing act, huh.”

“Oh, I’d say we still managed the disappearing part.”

“God I love you.”

He wasn’t sure which of them was more stunned by that revelation. He wished he could see Zakk’s face. Hell, he wished Zakk would just say something, rather than stand in the shadows with a disgruntled frog croaking nearby. Tripp opened his mouth to take it back, then snapped it shut, unable to erase the truth, even if it wasn’t reciprocated.

“You really mean that?”

He couldn’t get a read on Zakk’s voice. Caution, maybe, some apprehension. Ducking his head, Tripp wished he’d just say that he didn’t feel the same way and get it over with. It was fine. It wouldn’t change anything. How could Zakk love him with how much of a shithead he’d been? He should count himself lucky that Zakk even liked him enough to arrange all this and bring him out here where he might have the chance to find himself again. Hell. How was Zakk ever going to love him when there were so many things he still hated about himself?


Now Zakk’s voice just sounded uncertain. The longer he was silent, the further away Zakk inched from him, taking the warmth he radiated with him. Tripp shivered, opening and closing his mouth like a bowl-less guppy stranded on a bookcase shelf and waiting for the cat to kill it.

“It’s okay if you didn’t mean it,” Zakk said softly. “We all say stupid shit in the spur of the moment.”

“Wasn’t stupid!” Tripp blurted, because the hurt in Zakk’s voice was more important to him than his pride. “I love you. I just…I know I’ve fucked up a ton. I know you’ve got no reason to think I won’t do it again but….”

Tripp’s words were silenced by a wave of water smacking him across the face. It surged up his nose, filled his mouth with the taste of rain and algae, left him reeling, confused and somewhat insulted, at least until Zakk gripped his hair and pressed their foreheads together.

“I’ve been in love with you for over a year,” Zakk admitted, voice low, his soft breath warming the droplets slowly dripping down his chin. “Just kept waiting for the perfect moment to say it.”

“Can’t get more perfect than soaked in pond water with a lily pad in your hair,” Tripp quipped, reaching forward to brush the dangly thing from out of the matted strands. “Oh, excuse me, I think this might be moving.”

“What the fuck! Get it off!”

Between Zakk’s flailing around, the thin moon and the ever-changing colors of the solar lights, it was like trying to get a spider out of someone’s hair in the middle of a mosh pit. It might die, but there were going to be bruises and a sticky mess in the process.

“How am I supposed to get at anything if you won’t hold still!” Tripp bellowed when Zakk flung water and vegetation every which way. “Oh my god, their landscaping bill is gonna be sky high by the time you’re through.”

“Just get it off!”

“Pretty sure you managed that all on your own.” Grabbing hold of Zakk’s shoulders, Tripp finally got him maneuvered close enough to one of the solar lights that he had a chance to see what all the fuss was about. “Yeah, whatever it was, it’s gone.”

“Which means it’s swimming around in here with us,” Zakk declared, spinning away from Tripp so he could scramble free of the water.

“Whatever it is, I’m sure you’ve traumatized it for life. The poor thing might have to get therapy. Perhaps there’s a wise old tortoise swimming around in here that might be able to offer a few sessions.”

Snickering, Zakk bent down to offer him a hand. There was a split second when he considered yanking Zakk in, then the past raised its head, reminding him of what impulses like that could bring, and he allowed Zakk to help him up instead.