Page 108 of Bleeding Dawn

“In that case. I will, on one condition.”


“That you’d do me the honor of marrying me.”

“Did you just answer my proposal with a proposal?” Tripp asked. You couldn’t have slid a piece of paper between them at this point. The wind ruffled their hair, tangling it together as they swung high above the net like they were the only two people in the world.

Turning as much as he could with the safety harness on, Zakk caught a glimpse of Tripp’s shimmering eyes. “I believe I did,” Zakk replied, as Tripp leaned in to kiss the corner of his lips.

“We’re gonna need our own RV.”

“And a couple guys to drive it.”

“What, you don’t want to switch off driving duties with me.”

“I could, but that would get in the way of all the other things I’d rather be doing with you, in the back, where no one can interrupt us.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Chapter 33

Lovely tiger’s eye

Since they’d decided to keep their engagement a secret until after Rocktoberfest, Tripp found himself keeping another secret as well. He’d finally found the chunk of raw tiger’s eye that he’d always dreamed of, and he knew exactly what he planned to do with it. For now, it was tucked safely in his travel bag, wrapped in a bright purple bandana, and he was tucked beside Zakk on the gray couch in Tattered Angel’s RV, Dez and Riley sprawled in a similar fashion across from them. On the flat screen, Fire and Ice, an old barbarian animation movie, played with the sound up high to drown out the noises from outside. It wasn’t the only thing on high. Their air conditioner was working overtime to keep up with the heat outside, but at least the sun would be setting in a couple hours, and then the shred-off would begin.

Winter was supposed to be stopping over too, whether it would be before they took the stage, or after, Tripp wasn’t sure. His twin had just said he’d be there at some point. He was still learning to accept that from Winter, that was likely the best he was going to get. He’d get there, especially with Zakk by his side. The man didn’t leave him many opportunities to brood. Tripp found each morning to be a brighter place, laying beside Zakk, wondering what they were going to get into next.

Didn’t have to be anything big either, though the swing had been fantastic, and the neon, bubble filled maze that both bands had navigated last night had been an absolute blast. He was starting to understand what his bandmates had been saying about missing him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard, or just cut loose and trusted that everything would fall into place the way it was intended to.

There were still moments when he woke in the middle of the night, mentally going over setlists and itineraries. But they never lasted until dawn. Instead, they were wiped out by Zakk’s talented tongue and the feel of Zakk’s body sliding over his in a wild, erotic dance that chased away every worry.

Even now, when he slid into his own head a little too much, he could feel Zakk’s insistent fingertips dancing along his arm with renewed intensity. He knew what that meant. He needed to relax. Reaching up, he captured Zakk’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing each digit before nipping the last one and making him laugh.

“Is that someone knocking?” Riley muttered. “Dez tell them to go away.”

“Why me?”

“’Cause you’re actually big enough to scare them into doing it.”

“So is Tripp.”

“How am I being volunteered? This isn’t even my RV.” Tripp asked, sitting up a little and glancing over to see Riley with Dez too pinned down to move. “Nevermind.”

There was knocking, and maybe it was Winter, so with that thought in mind, Tripp shoved away from the couch and the comfort of Zakk’s embrace, and made his way to the door.

“Whoa, holy shit…” Tripp blurted the moment he opened it up and saw who was on the other side.

“What’s going on?” Zakk called out, but Tripp could already hear the thuds of feet hitting the floor and the three of them scrambling to join them, so there was no point in wrecking the surprise for them. Instead, Tripp slid as much to the side as he could manage to avoid being trampled.

Riley got there first, Zakk bumping into him when he stopped short. Fortunately, Dez was tall enough to see over their shoulders, but the look on his face, all star-struck awe and wonder immediately followed by a shimmer of tears in those bright green eyes, spoke more than words ever could.

“Can we come in?” Terry French, one of the surviving members of Tattered Rose, asked as he stood poised to enter the RV. Beside him stood the other survivor of the legendary band, Kale Michaels, both looking sad and somber despite their smiles.

“Hell yeah,” Dez replied, backing out of the way. Zakk hurried to turn off the movie, while Tripp shut the door after they were onboard. He followed them to the booth style dining nook, noting, for the first time, that Kale had a soft guitar case strapped to his back. Whatever the hell that was all about, he was certain they’d all find out soon enough. He took a seat on a counter across from the nook, leaning his back against the warm window, grateful that the pulled shutters kept it from being too hot. Riley hopped up beside him, leaving Zakk and Dez to sit across from Kale and Terry, the guitar case laid on the table between them.

“We were all devastated to hear about the accident,” Dez said softly. “We’re sorry for your loss.”

“The world lost as much as we did,” Terry replied with a heavy sigh. “All that’s left now is to carry on the way they’d want us to.”