Page 69 of Bleeding Dawn

“I wouldn’t say threw, more like you took a tumble and that’s where you ended up.”

Crunching gravel drew both of their attention to Tavis’ approach. “I won’t ask.”

“Good,” Winter and Tripp remarked simultaneously. Winter did help him up then. He even hugged him and pressed his head against Tripp’s the way they used to do when they were kids.

“This is a good thing,” Winter said. “You’ll see.”

“Just be safe and we can worry about good and bad later.”

“You’ve got it.”

When Winter let go, Tripp hugged Tavis, whispering, “Keep him safe.”

Tavis gave him a squeeze and whispered back. “Always. I’ll let you know if he needs you.”


“Tell Tish I said hello.”

“We will.”

Without another word Tavis turned and joined Winter for the walk across the parking lot to where his bike stood in the spot beside the RV. Tripp watched Winter throw his leg over the back and get situated, firing up the bike as Tavis mounted behind him.

When had Winter started carrying two helmets, Tripp wondered as he watched them pull them on. He was relieved to see it though, not that he’d worry about his brother any less until he got the word that they’d reached Maine.

His shoulders were already growing tense and they hadn’t pulled out of the parking lot yet. Winter waved, so Tripp waved back, wondering what his brother was waiting for. Then it dawned on him and he turned, trudging back towards the building to make leaving easier on Winter. He should have known his brother would never be able to drive away while he was watching. He was three steps away from the door when it burst open and Dez came storming out, the man’s face like a thunder cloud as he stalked past Tripp, making a beeline for Winter’s bike.


Was there about to be a confrontation?

With no idea what they could have been beefing over, Tripp turned and started to go after Dez, when he saw his brother pull his helmet off, giving Tripp a quick shake of his head as he tucked it against his side.

If Dez said anything, Tripp couldn’t hear it. What he saw was him and Winter embracing, Winter gripping Dez’s hair for a moment before turning him loose. Then Dez clasped forearms with Tavis and that was the end of that. Dez stepped back, Winter put his helmet back on, and without another glance at either of them, roared away.

The moment he disappeared from view, Tripp wanted to give chase and wondered if Dez was thinking the same thing, what with the way he kept opening and closing his fist and alternately rubbing his fingers along the outside of his pocket like he was tracing them over his keys. What would happen to Tattered Angel if Dez up and took off down the highway after Winter?

He had half a mind to go over and say something to him, make sure he knew what he’d be risking in taking off, only he got the feeling he was the last person Dez would want to talk to. In fact, there was the very real fear that a confrontation between them would have the exact opposite effect of the one he was hoping for.

With his head down and the breeze ruffling his hair, Tripp knew Dez had no idea that he was watching him. Dez’s bike was just a few feet away, still up on the back of the bike trailer where he and James had secured it during the trip. Now Tripp watched as Dez shuffled from one foot to the other, like there was an internal debate going on.

Sunlight turned the surrounding rock red, the glow of it spreading across the morning sky. Now that he thought about Winter’s plan, he realized his brother had chosen the best time to hit the road. He’d be able to keep the sun at his back all day, and he’d promised not to ride at night, so Tripp had to trust that he’d keep to that. In the meantime, it was truly starting to look like Dez was about to go after him.

He watched the man kick at the ground then turn, lips moving like he was cussing out the stones. Finally, he made a beeline for his bike, and Tripp felt his stomach turn to lead. He wheeled it down and knelt beside it, checking something along the side. Oil maybe? Shit. Was he really planning to take off?

No, he didn’t have fuck all with him, not even a backpack. He wasn’t even dressed in his leathers, just jeans, a t-shirt and boots. Inadequate riding gear for long distance, especially if he was going to attempt to follow Winter out to Maine, where fall was mostly over.

He was so focused on Dez that he didn’t hear anyone exit the building until Riley’s voice by his ear made him jump.

“Where the fuck does he think he’s going?”

“Hell if I know, I’m not the one dating him,” Tripp snapped.

“Yeah well, neither am I. We’re taking a pause.”


Tripp felt a surge of shame wash over him at hearing that. Seemed like he hadn’t just put Tattered Angel in jeopardy with his declaration, he’d destroyed Dez and Riley’s relationship too. Nothing felt good about that, or the way he’d ambushed Dez with the revelations he’d spit out, instead of pulling the man aside and having a one-on-one conversation about Saint’s Seduction and the struggles they’d been facing.