Page 66 of Bleeding Dawn

A shudder of revulsion ripped through Tripp, nose wrinkling at the thought of socks soaked in dripping scorpion guts.

“Pretty sure it was the chip I dropped on my way out here.”

Well, his twin’s voice solved the mystery of who it was playing video games at this hour. In fact, he was playing the very game they’d come out there to play.

“So who’d you lose to?” Zakk asked as he dropped onto the couch. Tripp was quick to join him, watching Winter’s character get spun through the air then yanked back towards their opponent with a spike on a chain.

“More like whohaven’tI lost to,” Winter growled, words punctuated with little grunts as he twisted and turned like his own movements could turn the character on the screen. “Is this all you bastards do, make music and play video games?”

“And eat,” Zakk replied, laughing, and reaching for the second controller. “Can’t forget that.”

“Yes, I’ve heard a few stories about Riley’s legendary out of the way exploits to find a White Castle. They reminded me of Tripp’s treks to the rock shops. I can’t tell you how many we went out of our way for just ‘cause he said they were ‘close.’

“If it’s anything like Riley’s definition ofcloseI pity you.”


When Winter died spectacularly at the hands of his opponent, he relinquished the controller to Tripp and leaned back, getting comfortable. “What time is it anyway?”

“Early,” Zakk replied.

“Well no shit.”

“Have you even been to bed yet?” Tripp asked while he debated which character to choose.

“Naaa. Was video chatting with Tish. Wild Child got a slot at Rocktoberfest, only she’s not going to be able to play it, so Tavis and I are taking off tomorrow morning, early as fuck, considering we’ve got a whole continent to cross.”

“It’s not quite a coast-to-coast trip.”

“Close enough.”

“Thought you said you wanted to enjoy the month before getting to work on their material.”

“That was before I knew that three weeks was all I was gonna get,” Winter replied. “Incidentally, we got into Rocktoberfest too. My guess is that’s Cash’s doing. I sent him an email, explaining our little change in lineup. He can either be good with it, or he can be pissed, it’s whatever at this point. Oh…Tattered Angel got in too, congrats Zakk.”


“And yet, you sound less than happy,” Winter remarked, as insightful as ever.

“You’re not the only one thinking in terms of time,” Zakk replied.

Something dawned on Tripp. “Wait a minute, how do you and Tavis plan to get there?”

“How do you think?”

“What the fuck? Are you crazy?”


“Winter, I’m serious. That’s a long trip to make on the back of a bike.”

“I’m capable.”

“Never said you weren’t. It isn’t you I worry about, it’s the idiots on the road with you, like the guy who nearly ran you and Dez off the road on the way out here or have you forgotten about that already?”

“Two wheels, four wheels, if it’s the will of the universe that I get smeared all over the highway, it’ll happen.”

“That’s reassuring,” Tripp remarked yelping when Zakk’s character pummeled half the life-points out of his.