Page 42 of Haunting Chaos

“You don’t have to say any more about that,” I promised, kissing the top of her head. “Your dad can’t hurt you now. You’re with me.”

“He’s got a bunch of guys that are loyal to him, Daniel. One of them thinks I’m his.”

Tilting her chin up, I stared into her eyes. “Who?”

“His name is Bruiser. He’s big and mean.”

She seemed scared.

“Did he force you to do anything?” I asked, growling the words.

“Yes. He’s the reason I went on birth control. My father, Bowie, and Bruiser.”

“They’re dead men,” I promised.

“And he’s the reason I had an abortion.”

That motherfucker!

“I’m so sorry, precious.” My heart broke for this young woman who suffered so much at the hands of men who should have protected her.

Skyla searched my eyes, unaware of the tears that slipped down her cheeks. “I never ratted on the club. Not once. Even when Bruiser showed up.”

I believed her. “When? How many times has he come to the Crossroads?”

“Never to the clubhouse. He watches and waits. Last time he cornered me at the mall.”

Frowning, I lowered my head, not letting her look away. “You don’t go anywhere alone now. Okay?”


My lips brushed hers in a soft kiss. As much as I wanted to fuck her in this room, it didn’t seem right after all she confessed.

“We’re gonna figure this out,” I promised, hating the fear and uncertainty that still lingered in her eyes. “I need to talk to Grim. You’re in danger, and the club is vulnerable. We’re going back to the Crossroads.”

She wiped her fingers across her cheeks, drying the tears.

“Get dressed, baby.”

She listened, but her gaze seemed far away. Worry gnawed at my gut. I had to protect Skyla. She was mine now. I made that choice, but that wasn’t the reason I needed her safe.

Skyla’s suffering hurt my Reaperandme. I could hardly breathe. My chest ached.

Rage simmered under the surface, and I knew I would spill blood before the night was over.

Skyla leaned against my side as I exited the room, and I hugged her close, slipping an arm around her waist. Every noise in the room alerted my Reaper, and I had to force myself not to react. Not saying a word, I pocketed the room key for another time and headed toward the exit.

Shadow must have sensed my mood because he ticked his head my way. “Take care, brother. You need me, text.”

“I will.”

We rode away from Linked, taking Hwy 95 back toward Tonopah. At nearly one in the morning, the road wasn’t usually full of traffic. When headlights appeared behind us, I grew suspicious. No motorcycles, but several cages remained close to one another, gaining speed as they closed in.

Fucking hell.

Skyla was too vulnerable on the back of my bike, and I was too fucking far from any neighboring cities to try to lose them. The only thing I could do was pick up speed and try to reach Tonopah as quickly as possible.

Those plans changed when gunfire hit the pavement on my right. My Reaper surfaced, instantly pissed. I had to stop and face them. It was the only way to protect Skyla.