Page 5 of Haunting Chaos

Chapter 1

One month before Halloween—

“I don’t fucking care, pres. I need this to fucking happen.”

Grim scrubbed a hand down his face, a curt nod following as he sat back against his leather chair. “I get it. I do, but this vigilante shit is gonna get you killed, Lucky.”

“Don’t fucking call me that,” I spat, hating my old road name. I went by Chaos now, and I was tired of reminding the entire fucking club about it.

Grim’s shoulders tensed slightly as he sat forward. “Watch who you’re talkin’ to. I’m your fucking pres, Daniel.”

There was a time when one look from the Grim Reaper might have silenced me on the subject, effectively chastising me for my bold mouth, but I wasn’t the same guy anymore.

If he thought to intimidate me with my real name, it wasn’t going to work. I didn’t fucking care about anything but my need to hunt and spill blood.

“No disrespect, pres, but I’m barely hangin’ on here. I need to find those fuckers that killed Cindi. It’s been five goddamn months. I can’t,” I swallowed hard as my voice croaked, the emotion clogging my throat as I forced it down, hating the weakness that I let show. “I fucking need those motherfuckers to pay.”

We still didn’t know who did it. Not a soul stepped forward and claimed ownership.

“I thought this shit was dealt with,” he grumbled, folding his heavily inked arms across his chest. “We’ve discussed it a dozen fucking times. We can’t just pin this on the Scorpions MC, and I don’t think the Russians give a fuck about one woman when they’ve taken dozens from Nevada.”

“I don’t have closure, pres. It’s killing me.”

“Christ,” he cursed, pulling out his smokes and lighting one up, taking a long hard drag as he didn’t bother to hide his agitation. “I don’t know what you want me to do. Show up at the Scorpions compound and shoot the place up? More bloodshed in this war that never fucking ends?”

“No,” I snarled, slamming a fist down on his desk. “But how the fuck am I supposed to live with this? I’m barely holding onto my Reaper. He wants to murder everyone in his path.”

“Fucking hell, Chaos.” Grim filled his lungs with smoke, slowly exhaling before he stood, pacing the length of his office. “Ain’t never gonna be enough for you, is it? We could hunt the whole world down, and you’d still want vengeance.”

He was being an insensitive prick, but he was right.

“You lose Trish the same way I lost Cindi, and then give me this fucking lecture,” I seethed. “See if you think it’s enough.”

Grim sighed, finishing his smoke before smashing the butt in the ashtray on his desk. “I’d reap every fucking soul on this earth who had any knowledge of it,” he admitted.

“Then you understand why I feel the same way.”

There was a brief knock on the door, and it swung open, revealing Rael’s narcissistic smile as he sauntered in, shutting the door behind him with a click. “You fuckers look serious. What did I miss?”