Page 26 of Haunting Chaos

“I don’t want all the details.” She chuckled. “Really. I do want you to know that I understand why you both want to keep things quiet. He’s a private guy and has a daughter to think about. I’m sure being a single dad is something he never expected to happen.”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“So that brings us to the current situation with your position as a club girl.”

Frowning, I didn’t know what she was about to say.

Since being with Daniel, I didn’t want anyone else. The thought of sleeping with any of the other guys repulsed me now. I’d gotten spoiled by Daniel and his attention, affection, and

“You know,” she began, staring at me with understanding, “there’s no reason to hook up with the other guys. Not with all you’re doing for Daniel.”

She held up a hand as I opened my mouth to protest.

“I know you don’t want to get into the specifics, and that’s fine. All I’m saying is that you’re caring for both father and daughter. That’s plenty of,” she paused, “contribution.”

I snorted. “Right.”

Snooki smirked. “I know you care about Daniel and Zara. I see it. Everyone can see it.”

Worried, I clenched my hands. “Is that going to be an issue?”

“No, honey. It’s not.”

“You’re sure? Because I don’t—”

“Hey,” she interrupted. “Daniel made this agreement with you, right? He instigated it.”

I nodded to confirm.

“Then this trumps any obligation as a club girl. If things change, we can talk about it. Okay?”


“For now, you take care of those two. They need it, Skyla.”

“They do,” I agreed.

“I think you were sent to help them both heal. That’s a heavy burden, but it’s not just for them.” She reached out and patted my hand. “It’s for you too.”

Snooki didn’t know the truth. No one did. It wasn’t possible.

She must have been able to sense the hardship, trauma, and suffering I’d gone through because I caught her looking my way sometimes, and there was a sadness that entered her eyes like she understood. Maybe she experienced something dark and hateful in her past that enabled her to sympathize in ways that others couldn’t.

Snooki was an old soul. Her compassionate, intuitive nature drew me in the day we met. I considered her my best friend at the Crossroads, the only person who truly cared about me. Maybe Daniel did now as well, at least partially. Of course, we agreed not to drag emotions or feelings into our arrangement.

“Thanks, Snooki.”

“You’re welcome, babe. You keep that chin up, okay? Shit always finds a way to work out, even if you’re standing in a big pile of it.”

Snickering, I realized she was right.

“Worry about today and forget yesterday. Tomorrow has its own problems, so don’t even think of taking those on. It’s just one day at a time. Live in the moment, Skyla. It’s the only thing we can do.”