Page 49 of Haunting Chaos

She clutched at the dark robes on my body, her voice wavering. “You’re my dark hero.”

“I’m your seducer, lover, and fiercest protector,” I argued, “but you can call me whatever you like.”

She laughed, and I turned to the Crossroads, escorting my woman inside.

Chapter 14

“Is this the first timeyou’ve come here?” Skyla asked as I settled my arm across her shoulders.

“No, but it’s been quite a long time.”

“It must be hard,” she reasoned. “I can give you some privacy if you need it.”

“No, doll. I’m good.” He kissed the top of my head, pulling me closer. “I’ll always miss her, but it’s time I said goodbye.”

“Then do it. Tell me all the things you don’t want to forget.”

No one I’d ever met was as selfless as Skyla. She only cared about my well-being, not how hard it would be to hear these things from me.

Staring down at Cindi’s grave, I smiled. “She was a wonderful mother. Cindi loved being pregnant and was so happy when Zara was born.”

“I bet.”

“She made the best pot roast and played poker like a pro.”

“That’s kind of adorable.”

“It was,” I laughed. “She loved popcorn fights and pepperoni pizza. And she knew how to smile even when things were hard.”

I miss you so much, Cindi. I always will.

“I know you’re in a better place,” I continued. “You have to be because you were too good for this world. Rest in peace, baby.”

“Thank you for giving me someone to love, Cindi. I’ll do my best to help raise her right.” Skyla sniffled, swiping at her cheeks. “If he lets me, I’ll take care of your Daniel too.”

Choked up, I couldn’t reply.