Page 31 of Haunting Chaos

A few whistles erupted as I slipped my tongue between her lips, deepening that kiss, hoping I chased whatever thoughts brought on those tears far away.

Guess I made that fucking claim after all.

Chapter 8

What the hell was Daniel’sproblem? Didn’t he just realize he messed this all up?

Now everyone knew our secret.

He stood in the center of his room, taking a long drag from his cigarette as I paced, furious about how he treated me the last time we were together. I couldn’t figure out why he walked away so fast or what made him turn cold, but I decided I was done being his little fuck doll.

After being upset for hours, I wore my skimpiest outfit to the bar and knew it wasn’t long before one of the brothers would flirt with me. Oddly enough, it turned out to be Exorcist. He had a reputation among the girls as the most experienced and talented in the bedroom. I never slept with him to know for sure, but he certainly knew how to flirt. Of course, all of that happened long before Cindi became his ol’ lady.

Daniel interrupted us the second Exorcist touched me.

I had to admit that it made me feel good. His jealousy was unexpected, but I liked it. Didn’t matter, though. Daniel needed to figure shit out because I was never letting another man take advantage of me.


I ignored him, becoming angry again as he finished off his smoke.

“Skyla, talk to me.”

“No,” I yelled, still agitated.

“Tell me what’s goin’ on in that pretty head.”

I stopped pacing, facing him with attitude. “You can’t proposition me for sex and say that it’s nothing more and then get jealous, demanding I don’t fuck anyone else or give them my attention. That’s not what we agreed on.”

“Is that what I said out there?” he asked, smirking.

“I’m serious. You told me not to say anything. That this was our secret. And now you’re acting all crazy.”

“I think this is the most lucid I’ve felt in a long time.”

“You can’t just do whatever you want and not discuss it with me. We had an arrangement.”