Page 29 of Haunting Chaos

“Sure. Ain’t got shit goin’ on tonight.”

He slapped my shoulder. “Gonna school your ass.”

“Oh yeah? Care to take a wager?” I asked, feeling antsy and not quite able to pinpoint the reason.

“Twenty says I got you beat.”

“Rack ’em, you cocky fucker.”

He laughed, placing his beer down as he set us up.

A few turns later, I recognized the soft, raspy voice of Skyla. Knowing she was nearby, I stiffened. This party was too fucking wild for her. She shouldn’t be here.

I didn’t consider the fact that she’d come to most of them since her arrival at the Crossroads.

My gaze scanned the room, and I found her at the bar, sucking down a drink next to motherfucking Exorcist. That man whore would try to seduce her into his bed before she could order another. That irritated but it wasn’t what pissed me off.

No, I got pissed when I saw what Skyla was wearing. Short jean shorts that exposed the bottom of ass cheeks. A tight t-shirt stretched so thin it looked ready to rip apart with her next breath. The tits I loved so much threatened to spill out for his hungry gaze.


She leaned closer to Ex, listening to his words. He must have rattled off a joke because she tilted her head back and laughed, showing off the column of her pretty throat. Soft lips parted, giving him a smile that she usually only reserved for Zara or me.

My teeth clenched, and my hands curled into fists.


Exorcist’s hand brushed across her shoulder, dipping down the length of her arm to her elbow. Incensed, I couldn’t believe she allowed him to touch her like that, to caress what was fucking mine.

“Daniel? Dude, you’re fucking growling.”

I didn’t care. No one touched Skyla but me.

Stomping toward the bar, I heard Bodie curse, following after me. I got a few feet from Skyla and stared her down, crossing my arms over my chest. “What the hell are you doing?”

She turned her head slowly, lifting her chin. A flash of defiance crossed her pretty face, and I wanted to slap her ass, giving her the spanking she deserved for defying me.

“I’m having a drink with Ex.”

She gave him another bright smile, dismissing me.

Hell fucking no.

My Reaper decided he didn’t give a fuck, and I strode forward, snatching her up and tossing her over my shoulder as she screeched.

“Put me down, you neanderthal!”

“No,” I answered, giving her a smack on that plump ass I adored. Turning to Ex, I glared his way. “No one fucking touches her.”

He lifted his hands in the air, laughing. “You claiming Skyla?”

I didn’t answer, but it was fucking obvious.

The room had grown silent.

“Well?” Ex asked, cracking his knuckles. “You want her to yourself? You got to make some kind of declaration, or I’m fucking her tonight instead of you.”

I saw red.