Page 94 of Ashes

“It’s fine,” I whisper, pushing the half-eaten cup of yogurt away from me. Since it’s been so long since I’ve eaten, my body has decided to reject food. Anything I eat makes me sick, and I’m lucky if I can keep liquids down. Guess that’s what I get for neglecting my body.

Hesitantly, Rowen exits the kitchen, leaving Doctor Baldie and me alone. He pulls out the chair next to me and sits down, opening the folder he is carrying in his hands.

“I got your test results back. Lee, you’re pregnant,” he announces with a smile.

Staring at him, I blink once, waiting for him to tell me he’s joking.

Surely, I didn’t hear him correctly, so I say, “Excuse me?”

“Based on your levels, I’d guess about eight weeks along.”

“That’s impossible. I cannot get pregnant since I had an…accident a few years ago.” I didn’t have an accident, but that sounds better than saying my husband beat me so severely that it caused me to miscarry and caused infertility. I gave up the dream of ever raising a child a long time ago.

“Well, based on your bloodwork, you are, without a doubt, pregnant. I’ve taken it upon myself to schedule you an appointment.” He hands me another piece of paper with the information for one of the best OB/GYNs in the state.

Looking from the paper to him, I suddenly burst out in laughter. “You’re joking. There’s no possible way.” He shrugs, smiling at me, as he stands.

“I’m positive, Lee. It looks like you got a miracle. Now, take care of yourself.” I walk him out, waving him goodbye.

On unsteady legs, I walk to the living room, where Rowen is patiently waiting. When he sees me, he stands. “What did he say?”

With trembling fingers, I place a hand on my flat stomach, an easy smile spreading across my lips for the first time in three weeks. “I’m pregnant,” I whisper, a single fat tear rolling down my face.

For once, I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I’m happy; this baby is a miracle, and I feel that in my heart. This baby was given to me for a reason, and for the first time since losing Eli, my heart is whole.

“W-w-what?” He blinks, giving me a blank deer-in-headlights look.

“Dr. Williams says my blood test came back, and I’m having a baby.”

King appears from around the corner with wide eyes. “You’re having a baby?” He rubs his eyes, looking from my face to my hand on my stomach. “We’re having a baby?” I nod quickly.

Walking toward me, King drops to his knees in front of me. He raises my T-shirt, sticks his head inside, and peppers my stomach with warm kisses.

“We’re having a baby!” Rowen shouts, rushing toward me; he wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing over my jawline and neck.

At that moment, Ace walks inside with Olivia at his side. He left about an hour ago to pick her up from school.

“What’s going on?” he questions, helping Olivia out of her backpack.

Removing himself from my shirt, King stands. “We’re having a baby. Lee’s pregnant.”

“I’m getting a baby sister?!” Olivia spins around happily, skipping toward us.

“Or a baby brother,” I say with a laugh, leaning down to press a kiss on her forehead.

Ace joins by my side, wrapping an arm around Rowen and King’s shoulders. “Guys, we’re going to be dads again.”

Looking at my family, excited by my news, my heart and soul come back to life, and suddenly I’m filled with nothing but warmth and love.

“So, who had the magic baby juice that knocked our girl up?” King asks with a wide fucking grin.

They take guesses, but they’re all wrong because I already know.

I already know who’s responsible for giving me this gift.

“Eli,” I say with a smile. I know that, without a doubt, he’s the father. They can take a paternity test, but I know they’ll all turn out negative. This baby truly is a miracle, and I feel that in some twisted way, God knew Eli was going to die, so he chose to give me a piece of him that I’ll have forever.

“Eli is the father,” I repeat. They all nod in agreement, knowing exactly where I’m coming from and how I feel.