Page 82 of Ashes

“Okay, baby, that’s all I need to know.” I press a kiss to her lips, my cock throbbing with the need for her pussy, but for now, I ignore it. Right now, I want to hold her in my arms and enjoy the moment.

“We left DNA there. What’s going to happen when the police investigate?”

“Eli has it handled. Courtney will find his body when she gets home today, call the police to investigate, and the detective handling it will be someone on our payroll.”

“But Seb’s family is well connected. They’re going to call in favors. They won’t allow it to become a cold case. And what about me? They all think I’m dead, and I can’t resurface now. It would look suspicious.” Worry fills her eyes.

“That is where Ace comes in.” I begin explaining the plan my brothers and I devised. “Lee Spencer-Riley was never missing. You’re very much alive and have been living and working here for two years under your maiden name. After a fight with Sebastian that left you almost dead, you went to a hospital while fighting for your life. Once you were released, you moved here, where you had friends from when you were a child, Ace and Rowen, and you’ve been here ever since.” She sits up, holding the sheets against her bare chest.

“You didn’t know what had happened with Sebastian because you never looked into him, but he only filed a missing person’s report because he was trying to lure you out of hiding. The police will also be finding years’ worth of documented abuse, so he will not be the victim. You will be,” I explain, reaching a hand up and brushing her silky hair behind her ears.

“Okay, that explains me. But that doesn’t excuse his murder,” she says, trying to figure the plan all out. Ace has already falsified hospital reports and everything else to align perfectly with our story.

“Sebastian was involved with some pretty dangerous people, and the police will find evidence of that too. They’ll suspect one of them killed him.”

“Was he really?”

A smirk spreads across my lips. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe they’ll find a real person, or maybe they’ll spend years chasing a ghost. Either way, you’re clear, and you can live freely. No one will ever doubt you. Within a few days, everyone will know the beloved Doctor Sebastian Riley abused his wife.” Her lips press against mine, her body shaking with laughter.

“What will we do now that there’s no one after me? Now that I no longer have to look over my shoulder and can be myself without fear for the very first time in my life.”

“Whatever you want, butterfly. The world is yours.Iam yours until my dying breath.” I seal the promise with a kiss, slowly laying her on her back and climbing on top of her. Her legs spread and wrap around my waist, and within seconds, I’m sliding into her wet center, right where I belong.

If I were to die right now, I’d die a very happy man.

In love, and balls deep in my girl.

Life doesn’t get better than this.



“King! King! King!”the bubbly blonde-haired child yells my name the second she steps into the house. “Look at my math test!” Olivia smiles widely, running toward me when she spots me in the kitchen.

I bend down and open my arms, catching her as she runs right into me, tightly gripping a piece of paper in her hands. I spin her around, and laughter flows freely from her, causing a broad smile to spread across my face.

Setting her on her feet, I take the paper from her hands. “Look at my math test! I got an A!” she cheers, pointing to the bright circled ‘A’ at the top of the paper.

“Wow! Look at you, smarty pants.” Picking her up, I place her on the counter, helping her to pull her backpack off her shoulders. “Good grades get rewards. How about an ice cream sundae?”

She claps her hands together. “Oh yeah, that’s what I need.”

“It has to be our secret, though, or else Lee will be mad that I ruined your dinner.” I chuckle, walk toward the freezer, and open it to take out the carton of vanilla ice cream.

“Don’t worry. I can keep a secret. She’ll never know,” she says, putting her fingers together and moving them across her lips as if she were zipping them.

“Who’ll never know what?” Lee asks, walking into the kitchen with an eyebrow raised. She looks at the ice cream in my hand and shakes her head.

“Really, King? I was just coming to start dinner.”

Olivia saves me from having to respond by saying, “Look at my math test. A’s get ice cream.” She holds the paper out toward Lee, who takes it proudly.

A smile spreads across my butterfly’s lips that are still swollen from being wrapped around my cock only moments ago. “Better get another bowl then, because I’d like a sundae, too.” She sets the paper on the counter and pulls Olivia into her arms. “I’m so proud of you, sweet girl.” She’s an intelligent kid but has struggled with her schoolwork.

When we first enrolled her in school, she refused to participate in class, complete her homework, or even do the work she was given during class.

It was a struggle to get her to come out of her shell and be interested in school, but now she loves it. This is the first test she’s aced, and I’m fucking thrilled for my little princess.