Page 77 of Ashes

“Who the fuck are you?” Seb snaps, eyes bugging out of his head as he looks between all four men, taking in their appearance, all dressed head to toe in black pants and hoodies, their tattoos visible on their hands and necks, and Ace’s facial tattoos visible. “Get the fuck out!” he yells, his voice becoming high-pitched.

This is the first time I’ve seen Sebastian afraid, and I love it. Fear is a good look on him.

“I’m willing to bet twenty bucks that he’ll piss himself,” Ace says, adjusting his position, so he’s sitting up.

“Make it fifty. He will most definitely piss himself.” Rowen slaps Ace on the knee, agreeing to his bet.

“A hundred says he cries!” Eli chimes in, throwing the crystal vase into the air, stepping aside when it begins to fall. The glass connects with the floor and shatters, shards of pricy glass near his feet being crushed under his boot when he steps through it.

Sebastian’s eyes are ready to pop out of his head at the sight of his precious vase that Mommy picked being destroyed. “Stop! Get out!”

Eyes on Seb, Eli stalks toward him, face stoic. “Say please. Get down and beg,” he says, standing behind him, his posture straight and confident, his hands in his pockets.

From where I stand, I can see the goosebumps that form on Sebastian’s arms, the hair on the back of his neck rising. The fucker is scared but trying to play it cool.

Without his money and the influence of his family, he’s nothing. He’s only strong enough to hit a woman, which is why he’s abused me for so long. I was afraid to fight back, but looking at him now, I realize that he isn’t as scary as he once seemed.

In fact, he’s nothing.

Sebastian is nothing to me anymore.

Squaring his shoulders, Seb straightens his posture, attempting to appear unaffected by the four strangers in his house. “I’ll say it one more time.” He holds his breath. “Get the fuck out, or I’m calling the police,” he hisses, a smirk spreading across his face when Eli steps back and surrenders, holding his hands in the air.

“Uh-oh. He’s going to call the cops, so we should probably go,” Eli teases, walking toward Rowen, King, and Ace, who are now standing.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Seb smiles. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” His attention leaves them and turns toward me. “Lee, honey, I forgive you. Let’s start over. I’ll take you back.”

His words fade into the background as I walk away from him and find myself rushing upstairs, suddenly feeling the need to see the rest of the house.

I’m not sure why, but I feel compelled to walk through the house that holds all my secrets. The walls of his house have seen everything.

Every cruel word, every punch, slap, kick, everything. The walls were my witness to every violent thing my husband did to me.

“Get off me!” Sebastian yells from downstairs. “I’m calling the cops!” he vows, his voice fading farther away as I hear shuffling. I’m not sure what they’re doing to him, but I don’t care right now.

My mind isn’t on him; it’s on the house. For my sanity, I need to walk down the memory lane and remember everything that happened to me. I need my anger and rage to fuel me to ensure that I follow through with what I need to do instead of chickening out at the last minute.

I may no longer care about Seb, but I still deserve justice. There’s no turning back now, no matter what.

Finding myself in my former bedroom, I stand in front of the massive walk-in closet, pull open the double doors, and take slow steps inside. My fingertips run along the soft material of the women’s clothing that hangs where my clothes once hung.

Two years ago, my shoes were the ones displayed on these shoe racks. My clothes were neatly hanging, clothes that Sebastian had to pick out because I couldn’t wear anything he disapproved of. Nothing too short or revealing, and nothing too bright that would attract attention.

I wore the exact shades that are currently hung on my former shelves. Nudes and pinks.

Seb’s taste hasn’t changed. I’m sure he’s also controlling Courtney’s clothing choices, but I bet she’s so in love with him, just like I was, that she doesn’t even notice that he’s controlling her.

Looking back, the signs were there, but he made me feel special, and I wanted to be everything he wanted me to be. I would’ve given anything for him to continue wanting me. I was young and had hearts in my eyes and clouded vision.

My fingers grab hold of the white fluffy dress bag hidden away in the back of the closet. I remove it from the hanger, pull it out, and place it on the floor. Carefully, I unzip the bag, revealing a fluffy, white princess-style strapless wedding dress.

Holding the dress in my hands, my breathing nearly stops, my heart aching in my chest for a reason I don’t quite understand.

Courtney’s wedding dress is nearly identical to mine, except Seb didn’t allow me to wear strapless.

With a smile, I strip out of my clothing and climb into the dress, zipping myself into it the best I can. I’m not surprised that we’re the same size; Seb does have a specific type, after all.

Holding the skirt in my hands, so I don’t trip, I carefully walk barefoot down the stairs, following the voices. I find Seb and my guys in the kitchen. He’s tied to a chair with his hands behind his back while Rowen sits on the counter, King and Ace search through the fridge, and Eli sits at the table with a bored expression, scrolling through his phone.