Page 8 of Ashes

That’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Game fucking on.



Eighteen years ago, age 12

Mommy always saidI damage pretty things. I've always broken pretty things.

She's a pretty thing, and ifI'm notcareful, I'll break her, too, even though Idon'twant to. Iwantto be gentle, but I alsowantto know how it would feel to hold her life in my hands. Iwantto reach inside her chest and rip her heart out so I'll know how it feels to have the heart of a pretty girl.

Mommy was always afraid I'd do something terrible and break another pretty thing, and that's why she never let me go to school and be around other kids. I've always been big for my age. My hands are too big, and I'm too tall. Kids my age are scared of me because of my size. I have my father's size instead of my petite mommy's size.

My mommy was pretty, and I broke her. Just like she always said, I ruin all pretty things, even if I don't mean to.

I hadn't meant to kill Mommy; it just happened. I should've listened when Father told us to stop running in the house and to pick up my toys. I hadn't meant to leave my toys scattered, but when Mommy started playing a game of tag with me, I forgot to put the toys away. Despite my father's warnings, we kept playing.

We kept playing until I broke another pretty thing—my mommy.

She tripped over one of my toys and fell down the stairs, hitting her head. The crimson liquid that pooled out of her head was so pretty that I just had to coat my hands in it. It was warm and sticky, and it wasn't my fault that my young cock swelled in my pajama pants.

I knew what to do when my body reacted and got aroused; the porn videos I watched had taught me. Plus, I'd seen Father and Mommy have sex enough times to understand. I’d seen him wrap his hand around his swollen cock plenty of times.

The smell of my mommy's blood, the feel of it on my hand, and the gurgling noise she had made were too much for me. So, I pulled down my pants, coated my cock in her slippery blood, and wrapped my fist over my shaft until heavy ropes of white cum shot out all over Mommy's heaving chest.

She stopped breathing just as Father found us. He was disgusted at the sight of me with my pants down, bloody hands and cock, and my dead mommy beside me, covered in my cum.

That was the day he locked me away in the attic and stopped loving me.

Then one day, Father got a new family. He loved his new wife and stepdaughter more than me. He loved his stepdaughter so much that he visited her bedroom late at night after his wife was asleep.

I hated my stepsister. She wasn't pretty, but at least she kept Father from visiting my room, as he used to after Mommy died.

My new stepsister wasn't pretty, and I only hurt pretty things, so she had nothing to worry about, but her mother thought I was the one visiting her room at night instead of Father.

They sent me away. Father didn't want me anymore, and neither did his new family. I went into foster care because of them.

My foster siblings hated me and were scared of me, but who could blame them? I didn't speak, and I towered over everyone. No one wanted to be my friend, talk to me, or even say anything nice about me.

No one wanted me until her.

The pretty girl with turquoise eyes, a halo of blonde hair, and a smile that made me want to smile too.

Her caseworker brought her inside of the house, and instead of looking at me with fear like everyone else, she looked at me and smiled.

One smile from her, and I promised myself that I'd never break another pretty thing for as long as I lived—as long as she continued to give me her smiles.

She's here because she was unwanted, too, but not anymore.

I want her. She'll be my pretty thing, and I'll protect her.

Lee will be the only pretty thing in my life that I'll never break.
