Page 54 of Ashes

“That I love you.” My heart swells at her confession.

My butterfly loves many things, and over the time I’ve known her, she’s told me all about the things she loves, but the things she loves have never been a person.

She loves banana French toast drowned in syrup, a ridiculous amount of creamer in her coffee, and she loves reading by the window on rainy days. Now, she loves me, too.

My butterfly loves me, and I’m ready to shout it from the rooftops.

It’s one thing to have Lee’s attention and to be with her, but it’s something else entirely to have her love when it’s so rare that she gives it away.

I’m not sure what I did to deserve it, but I’m sure as fuck not going to question the fact that she loves me.

“I love you, butterfly.” I press a kiss to her lips, tasting our salty tears.

This is a moment I’ll remember for the rest of my fucking life.



“Hello,my pretty thing. How was your day with King?” Ace wraps his arms around me from behind, pressing a kiss against my jawline.

I ignore his question and ask one of my own. “Have you heard from Rachel?” I’ve been calling her all day for our daily check-in, but every call has gone unanswered, and none of the texts have been responded to. My anxiety is high, and I’m beginning to worry about her and Olivia. It’s not like her to refuse my calls. If she’s ever missed my call in the past, she’s always called me back within ten minutes. This time, it’s been hours that I’ve been calling and even longer since I have actually spoken to her.

“No, the last I talked to her was when I went to their house last night. I was doing my drive-by when I saw she was playing outside with Olivia, so I stopped until they went inside for the night,” he says, locking the multiple locks on the door behind him.

His response does nothing to ease my mind. Rachel and I speak twice a day. Every morning at nine o’clock and every evening at five o’clock. We’ve had the same call schedule for years; she knows when to expect my calls. “It’s after seven, Ace. She’s missed both check-ins today.” Every night since we’ve moved them, Ace has been driving by their house at eight o’clock to be on the safe side and see how things are.

His brown eyes widen in surprise, instantly becoming as worried as I am. I watch as he pulls his phone from his pocket and dials her number while sprinting into his computer room. I follow behind him like a lost puppy, hopeful that he’ll be able to track their location.

When he gave Rachel her new phone and car, he set up a tracker on both. It may seem extreme, but we need to know where she is twenty-four seven. I would’ve already been tracking if I knew anything about his computer system or passwords.

I make a mental note to have him show me how to work the systems he’s created so I can do it myself whenever he’s not around.

Ace claims the seat at his desk and brings his wall of computer screens to life, typing away on his keyboard to enter his multiple passwords. One by one, all twelve screens light up and display different information. He’s a fucking genius. The motherfucker can access anything.

Once, just for fun and to be a showoff, he hacked into the FBI database to show me how easy it is for him to access anything and uncover anything.

“All right, give me two seconds. I’m tracking Olivia’s chip and Rachel’s phone and car to see where they’re at right now.” He had also offered to place a chip in Rachel’s arm, but she refused. I understood, so I didn’t push the subject, but now I wish I would’ve.

Ace points to one of the screens. “It’s showing they’re at home.” I squint, looking at the little red dot on the map he’s showing me.

“Then why the fuck aren’t they answering?” I redial Rachel, my foot anxiously tapping against the hardwood floor, my patience getting thinner and thinner by the second. The call yet again continues to ring until I hear the automated woman asking me to leave a voicemail.

Catching me by surprise, my phone vibrates in my hand, and Rachel’s name lights up the screen. I answer without hesitation. “Oh my God! Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

“I’m so so so sorry, Lee! Olivia and I have had such a busy day. We went to the Farmers’ Market you told us about and a home décor store for Olivia’s bedroom. We just got home.”

“Are you two okay? I’ve been calling for hours.”

“Yes! We’re fine. My phone died, and we had some car trouble.” She sighs. “I’m so sorry to worry you. Olivia had so much fun today. Is it too late for you to come over? She has been begging me to show you her new sundress for hours.”

Laughing to myself, I place a hand on Ace’s shoulder, then lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll be right over.” I end the call, shoving my phone into my pocket.

“They’re home?” he asks, face full of concern.

I nod. “They’ve been out shopping for stuff for Olivia’s new room. You know how Rachel is when she’s shopping.” I laugh, feeling foolish that I allowed myself to get so worked up over nothing. “I’m going to head over there. I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

“I’ll drive you. I don’t want you going anywhere alone,” he says, standing.