Page 88 of Ashes

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I gave you a chance, Eli.” A familiar voice behind me comes. “I gave you the chance to stop selling to the South Lords, and you laughed in my face,” Jaden says.

My skin turns cold as I spin around to face him and find myself staring down the barrel of his gun.

“Where the fuck is Lee?” I ask through clenched teeth. I don’t give a fuck about myself. It’s her I care about.

“Anton!” he yells, and another big and tall fucker walks in. Anton has one arm around my girl’s mouth, and the other holds her hands behind her back. The fucker is so big that he’s easily carrying her, her feet dangling above the ground.

“Get the fuck off of her!” I yell. I attempt to rush toward her, but a gun pointed at the back of my head stops me from moving. I don’t have to look back to know it’s the giant fuck from the front door holding the gun.

“It didn’t have to end this way, Eli. I gave you a chance. You chose wrong.”


It happens in an instant.

One second, I’m standing, and the next, my knees buckle underneath me, and I’m falling to the ground. I place my hands on the bleeding bullet hole in my thigh, roaring out in pain.

“You son of a bitch! I will fucking kill you!” My eyes connect with Lee, and I can see the fear and worry in her bright blue eyes. “Let her go!” Adrenaline courses through me, and I urge myself to stand on my good leg, limping toward Anton and my girl that’s kicking and trying to fight against him.

“Okay, fine.” Jaden laughs. He nods to Anton, and the fat fuck releases Lee. She nearly falls to the floor but regains her balance. She rushes toward me, wraps an arm around my waist, and helps me wrap mine around her shoulder. I apply some of my weight on her, needing to stay off my leg that is throbbing. Warm blood seeps out of me, staining my pants and dripping onto our white floor.

“Get the fuck out of my house!” I yell, hissing in pain when Lee tries to move us.

Placing my head against hers, I whisper, “Get the gun from the lockbox in the kitchen.” Like a fucking idiot, I left everything in the car. My gun is in the glovebox, my phone is on the seat, and I didn’t bother calling my brothers to tell them anything, either.

No one knows that we’re here and what’s going on.

Fucking great.

Lee steps away from me, waiting until I get my balance before she slowly and cautiously starts walking away, only to stop in her tracks when the sound of a gun clicks.

“Don’t fucking move, bitch!” Jaden yells.

Lee looks from him to me, wide eyed, and I know she won't be able to make it into the kitchen without him shooting her. It’s a chance I’m not willing to take.

“Say goodbye, Eli,” Jaden says, giving me a look of boredom.

“Fuck you! You want me to stop selling to the South Lords? Fine,” I say through gritted teeth.

With a smile, he lowers his gun. “See, now, was that so hard?” He chuckles. “Too late, but it wasn’t that hard. Now, say goodbye to your pretty girlfriend. I won't tell you again.”

“He said he’ll stop! He’ll do whatever you want! Please!” Lee begs, tears running down her beautiful, scared face. She rushes to my side with trembling hands, but I’m busy staring at Jaden.

I see the look in his eyes. It’s the same look I’ve had in my eyes right before I’ve taken a life. He’s not bluffing. He’s going to kill me, but at least he’s allowing me the chance to say goodbye before he does, which is more than I’ve ever done.

“Last time, I’ll say it. Say goodbye to your girl, and apologize for making the wrong decision. Let her know this is all your fault.” With shaking hands, I turn toward the woman responsible for unthawing my cold, dead heart.

“Don’t you fucking dare say goodbye to me, Eli Hale. You’re not fucking dying.” I admire her so much, but we both know how this will end.

Even if she runs to try to get a gun, he’ll shoot me, and possibly even her.

Cupping her face, I press my forehead against hers. “I love you, Lee Hale, so fucking much. With every fiber of my being, with every ounce of my soul. You are my heart, my breath, and the air in my lungs.”

Tears cloud my vision.

“Don’t, Eli, please. Don’t say these things. You can’t leave me.”