Page 73 of Ashes

“What did you decide, pretty thing?” Ace asks.

Smiling, I say, “I’m ready.” I’ve put a lot of thought into what I’m about to say, and it finally feels right. For months I’ve been thinking about it, wondering if or when it would happen, but when Steven called me this morning and told me his latest update, my decision became clear; the timing is perfect. Now that my life is finally falling into place twenty-seven years later, I know it’s the ideal time for Sebastian to pay. He’s the only one who’s gotten off easy. Everyone else who has ever hurt me has since paid the price.

Except him.

He owes me, and I’m ready to collect the debt, only in blood.

Eli looks toward me. “Ready for what?”

“To kill Sebastian.” They exchange a look among them.

Clearing his throat, Rowen asks, “You want to kill Sebastian?” It’s been weeks since his name has been mentioned. None of us have forgotten about him, but we’ve been occupied with finding a new normal in our lives, taking care of Olivia, and getting her the needed therapy.

“Why now?” Eli asks.

“Steven called me today.” I pull my phone from my pocket, pull up the link to the online article he sent me earlier, and read it aloud, “Two years after his wife's disappearance, Doctor Sebastian Riley will be marrying his fiancée Courtney Piedmont on September 14th.” I show them the headline.

“The bastard is trying to get remarried. He knows I’m alive, and he’s increased my life insurance policy. We’re still legally married, so I think it’s safe to assume he plans to do something about the fact that I’m alive.” I put my phone back into my pocket. “Steven told me that Sebastian has been desperate. It’s not a good look for him to marry someone else when his wife is still missing.”

“It will not be a good look if your body suddenly appears. He would be a suspect, then,” Rowen says.

“Probably not. The police would assume I ran off somewhere with a guy because that’s what he’s been telling them. It’s been two years, and if I suddenly appeared dead, they’d think it was the guy I ran off with. They’d know my death was faked,” I explain, brushing my hair behind my ears.

“He’s marrying one of the women he cheated on me with. She has seen the bruises he left on me, she even witnessed him slap me before, yet she continued to fuck him. If he marries her, I know he will beat her, just like he beat me.” I shake my head. “I will not allow it to happen to another woman. He doesn’t get to have a happy fucking ending after abusing me for so long. I lost so much because of him. Now, it’s time he pays.”

“You can have anything you want, butterfly.” King all but skips over to me with a wide fucking grin on his mouth.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” Rowen replies.

“I’ll get a babysitter for Olivia,” Eli says, taking his cell phone from his pants pocket. “I’ll have Maverick get one of our unmarked cars ready, and tomorrow night, we can put this sorry fucker down.”

“Is this really what you want?” Ace asks, cupping my face.

“Yes. This is what I want.”

A grin spreads across his lips. “Looks like you’re about to become a widow.”



“Thanksagain for agreeing to babysit Olivia this weekend, Melanie.” I thank her again for the twentieth time since she and Maverick agreed to watch Olivia while me, my brothers, and our girl take a weekend trip to the town Lee left behind two years ago.

I was so fucking proud of my little hellion when she decided she wanted to make Sebastian pay for all the shit he’s done to her. She wants to torture him the same way he did to her. If he dies in the process, well, I’m not going to mourn his loss.

The bastard deserves every single thing that he has coming to him.

His fate was sealed the day he decided to lay a finger on Lee’s pretty little head.

“We’re happy to have her.” Mel smiles, taking the pink and white polka dot backpack from my hands with Olivia’s clothes for the weekend packed inside.

When Olivia’s eyes land on Riot, who’s currently walking down the stairs, she takes off, running toward him. They had a rocky start when they first met, but now they’re begging to see each other as often as possible.

I’m glad she’s found a friend. She needs someone her age she can talk to and to help keep her mind off the tragedy she witnessed.

“Bye, Eli!” she yells from the top of the stairs without looking back, right before she takes off running, golden-blonde hair flowing behind her. Ever since that day in the kitchen when I lost my cool and snapped at her, I’ve been doing my best to be better for her.

To have patience, listen, and learn. It’s an adjustment because I’m not used to having a child around, but she’s starting to grow on me. Now I look forward to hearing her voice and her ridiculous questions every day.