Page 58 of Ashes

“This little bitch needs to fucking learn. She tried to shoot me!” he roars, shaking his head. "If I raised her, she wouldn't be so fucking scared. She needs to toughen up."

“Don’t hurt her,” Rachel pleads, her head still hanging between her shoulders.

My body shakes, but I will my voice to be calm as I say, “I’m the one who took our baby and ran. Don’t hurt them, please, Colton. Hurt me instead.” He looks at me, considering my words for two seconds before he shakes his head.

“I am hurting you, little bird. And this is how.” His attention turns to Rachel. “I’m tired of hearing you fucking talk.” He grabs something from the drawer before walking over to her. He yanks her head back and forces her mouth open. Then, he grabs hold of her tongue with the pliers he grabbed from the drawer and cuts out her tongue. Happiness lights up his disgusting face.

Olivia witnesses it all, her eyes so wide that her eyelids practically disappear. Hanging her head, she vomits all over her lap, staining her white dress. Her cries come out in hiccups.

“You’ve done enough, Colton. No more! Please!” I beg, fighting against the ropes and tape holding me hostage in the chair.

“You’re right. Let’s end this now.” Standing behind Rachel, he uses one hand to grip her hair firmly at the roots. With the other hand, he raises the knife and plunges it into her stomach.

Rachel gurgles, blood dripping down her mouth and chin, dripping onto her yellow dress. “This is all your fault, Lee. This is because of you.” He presses the blade against her exposed throat and drags it along her milky flesh, exposing her tissues.

Blood sprays across Olivia’s pale frightened face and white dress, staining it further. The poor girl's head falls between her shoulders as she passes out from what she’s just witnessed.

“Rachel, no!” I scream.

“This is your fault. You should’ve never run away from me, little bird. This is all because of you.”

He comes toward me, raises the knife, then I hear it.




Three shots.

Warm liquid splatters on my face.

Colton’s eyes widen, he stops moving, the hand holding the knife drops, and his eyes widen.


One final shot collapses him instantly. With him out of the way, my eyes land on the last person I ever expected to see behind him.




Since I foundout my hellion was still alive, I’ve kept tabs on her. I’ve been watching her and waiting for the moment when I knew she’d need me the most. I know she’s living with Ace, and he keeps her safe, but I haven’t been able to shake the feeling that something was going to happen.

So, I assigned her with her own security detail that’s been sitting outside her house every day, ensuring the area is safe. I did tell Ace about it, and we agreed not to tell Lee because we knew she wouldn’t want to be watched twenty-four seven.

Maverick called me two hours ago and told me that Lee had left her house and that she’d gone to Rachel Hollis’s safe house. At first, I didn’t think anything of it since she’d been there plenty of times. But soon an uneasy feeling came over me, so I decided to check on her and make sure she was okay. I hacked into the cameras they have placed outside Rachel’s house. I witnessed a familiar man standing in the window and watched as he closed the blinds seconds before Lee got out of the car and Olivia opened the door. The gesture usually wouldn’t seem suspicious, but no one is supposed to know where Rachel and Olivia are located, and seeing the man caused an uneasy feeling to come over me.

The man was familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where I’d seen him before. That’s when I remembered where I’d seen his face before.

Colton Adamson.

Lee’s foster brother.

I was already in my car and on my way to the house when I decided to call Ace and get more information, like why the fuck she went over there in the first place. Then I called my security team and yelled at them for not fucking watching her the entire time. Instead of protecting her, they followed her as she drove there, then once she went inside, they left.