Page 56 of Ashes

I sit at the table with Olivia beside me, holding her hand tightly in mine. “What the fuck do you want, Colton?”

“I want what I’ve always wanted. I want us to be a family,” he says as if it’s the most obvious answer. “You killed my parents and tried to kill me too, and you took my baby.”

I scoff. “Afamily? How fucked up are you?”

He rolls his eyes, his lip raising in a snarl. “You took my daughter, you fucking bitch.” He disgusts me. “Night after night, we’d lie there while I rubbed your swollen belly, and I told you I was so excited to become a family. But you fucking ran!” he screams, his face red with anger.

Regaining his composure, he looks at Olivia with a smile that makes me want to claw his eyes out. “I’m not stupid, Lee. I knew you didn’t die in that fire in the basement. I knew one of your boy toys rescued you. It was just a matter of luring you out of hiding. I couldn't find you, but when I found Olivia and Rachel, I knew they were my ticket to finding you. Ten fucking years I've spent looking for your stupid ass." He wasn’t searching for Olivia. He knew where she was all along. He wanted me. "I knew if Olivia was threatened, you'd come running. Took me a while, considering I had to get someone to do my dirty work."

Bile rises in the back of my throat, and I swallow it down. “Olivia, did you know that your Aunty Lee is your real mommy? She lied to you.” My free hand balls into a fist, my eyes narrowing into slits as I glare at him.

Damn, I wish looks could kill.

“What? That’s not true,” Olivia says, hiccupping through her tears. Her hands ball in fists as she grips my hand, practically sitting on me with how close she is.

Colton flashes her a smile. “It is true. Lee is your mom, and I’m your dad.”

“No! No! No!” she screams, letting go of me and pushing me away when I attempt to reach for her. “Mommy!” she yells, rushing toward Rachel, who is shaking with fear, fresh tears streaming down her face.

Olivia runs to her mother, wraps her arms around her waist, and buries her face into the fabric of her mother’s dress as her little body visibly shakes with sobs.

“What the fuck is your plan, Colton? Confuse and scare a little girl?”

“She’s my child, so she’ll be fine. I know she will be.” His grip around Rachel’s neck tightens. “Olivia, look at me right now.” She obeys instantly, afraid of the harshness in his voice. “You can only have one mom, Olivia. You get to pick which one dies. Do you want Lee to be your mom or Rachel to be your mom?”

“No! Mike, please, don’t hurt my mommy and Aunty Lee!”

“You bastard!” Rachel cries.

“Don’t fucking do it,” I warn.

Smiling, he shoves Rachel away, quickly grabbing Olivia and pressing the gun against her head. One hand wraps around her waist, pinning her arms down as he lifts her, her legs kicking against the air as she screams.

“Rachel, tie Lee to the chair. Now!” he screams, spit flying down his chin. She immediately grabs the rope and duct tape from the drawer.

My eyes never leave his as I sit, allowing Rachel to tie me to the chair, knowing that if I make one wrong move, he’ll put a bullet through Olivia’s head without hesitation.

Once I’m securely tied to the chair with my arms behind my back, rope and tape secured around my waist, and my ankles tied and taped together, he gestures for Rachel to sit beside me.

“Tie your ankles.” She nods, doing as she’s told, also knowing that she can’t fuck anything up or her daughter will pay for our mistake.

Once her ankles are taped together, Colton walks behind her, sets Olivia on her feet, then finishes typing up Rachel to the chair. When he’s done, he stands back, smiling at the sight of us both securely tied to chairs, unable to move an inch.

Colton grabs Olivia’s bicep, yanking her back toward him. “It’s your choice, little one. Who dies?” He looks at me with a snarl. “I’m genuinely so happy to see you again, little bird. It’s truly a shame if I have to kill you.”

“Olivia, baby, look at me,” Rachel cries out, pleading with her daughter, who’s shaking and crying just as much.

“Shut the fuck up!” he roars. Walking over to her, he smacks her across the face with the butt of his gun, leaving a bloody gash on her cheek. “Three seconds to choose, Olivia, or I’ll kill both of your moms.”

“I can’t choose! Please, don’t make me choose!” She wipes her eyes and snot, crying so deeply that my own eyes begin to sting.

“Olivia, it’s okay. You can choose your mommy,” I say, hoping to soothe my frightened little girl.

“I’m sorry, Aunty Lee!” she screams, rushing over to throw her arms around me, hugging me the best she can. She presses her cheek against my face, and I take the chance to whisper in her ear without Colton seeing.

“Run. Run downstairs to the safe room and lock yourself inside. Do not come out for anyone,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She pulls away, looking at me with hopeful eyes. My girl is a warrior, and I know she can do it.

When she and Rach moved into this house, the first thing we did was show her how to work the safe room and access it herself if she ever needed to. We made sure she knew the room's importance, and it’s fully stocked with enough supplies to keep someone alive for two weeks. When I don’t arrive home soon, Ace will know something is wrong, and he’ll come looking for me. He’ll get Olivia out of the room once it’s safe.