Page 52 of Ashes

Without answering, I lead Lee to the front door and open it, leading her inside the gothic-style building. Her eyes widen once she realizes where we are. “A tattoo shop?” She steps away from me, dropping my hand, her blue eyes wide as she takes in the décor.

I picked my butterfly up this morning so we could spend the day together. It’s been a week since I’ve held her in my arms. We’ve FaceTimed every night, but it’s not the same, and I’ve missed her touch. She practically ran into me when she saw me at the door, and her smile hasn’t faded.

I wanted to take her someplace special, so I decided to take her to Skelly’s.

Skelly and I met years ago; he is the man responsible for giving me my very first tattoo. I loved his work so much that I became faithful to him over the years, and now he’s responsible for all of my tattoos—my brothers’ too. He’s the only one we trust to touch our bodies with ink.

With a little bit of help from us, he was able to open his shop and quit working for the piece of shit he used to work for downtown.

Lee looks at me just as a tall, skinny man dressed in black spandex biker shorts and a white tank top appears, his skin covered in tattoos. His spiked hair is dyed a vibrant fire hydrant red, and he’s wearing a bright smile across his pale face.

“King! My man!” He claps his hands together. He’s pushing fifty, but you’d never be able to tell by looking at him.

“Hey, Skell, I brought my woman by to get some work done.” I wrap my arm around Lee’s shoulders as her eyes widen with excitement. “This is my butterfly, and she wants to get her nipples pierced.”

“Nice to meet you, King’s woman. I’m Skelly, but you can call me Skell.” He extends his hand toward her, eyes roaming freely over her body from head to toe.

If I didn’t know him and know that he loves cock, I’d be knocking his teeth out for the way he’s staring at my butterfly.

Skell loves a nice, fat cock. He’s been with his man for nearly thirty years. He’s not looking at Lee sexually but merely admiring her beauty. You don’t have to be interested in women to admit she’s stunning.

They shake hands, and she introduces herself. “I’m Lee. It’s nice to meet you.”

“So, nipples, yeah?” he asks, taking her by the hand and leading her into the back of the parlor to the private room where he works.

“I wanted my name tattooed on her ass, but she won’t agree to it,” I say with an eye roll. When Lee told me she wanted to get her nipples pierced, I thought it would be hot for her to get my name tattooed on her ass, but she fucking rejected me.

It’s fine for now because I will get what I want, and my new idea is better than tattooing my name on her.

Lee looks at me; her eyebrows are pulled together in suspicion when she sees the giddy look on my face. Of course, she knows me too well and knows something is up with me.


I shake my head and press a quick kiss to her lips. “Nothing,” I lie. “Just thinking how fucking hot it’ll be to see you with your nipples pierced.”

Rolling her eyes, she walks toward Skell, but I see the grin on her lips.

“All right, little miss, take your shirt off for me and lie down,” he instructs, his back toward us as he gathers the items he’ll need to complete the piercing.

Lee removes her tank top, revealing her bare chest, and climbs onto the padded table where she lies down.

I walk toward her and stand between her legs, running my hands up them and loving how smooth they are. I fumble with the buttons on her shorts, unable to help myself.

She wraps her legs around my waist, her head turning to the side. “So, Skell, did you pierce King’s cock?” she asks bluntly, earning a chuckle from him.

He turns toward us. “I sure as fuck did. Looks damn good too, huh?” He winks, setting the items in his hands on the metal tray beside the table.

“Sure does,” she agrees. “Feels good, too,” she mumbles under her breath, but I’m sure the fucker heard her because he’s wearing a mighty grin.

“You have very lovely nipples. This will be fun.” He rubs his gloved thumb along her pebbled nipples. “Let’s get started.” He removes a sterile wipe from the packaging and rubs it along her left nipple, cleaning it so he can pierce it.

“King, on the phone you mentioned you were brining your own jewelry?”

“Yup, got it right here.” Smiling, I reach inside my pocket and pull out a black velvet bag that contains two nipple rings I ordered specially for my butterfly.

“Can I see it?” Lee asks from where she lies.

“Nope, you’ll see it after,” I say, giving Skell the bag. He takes it and opens it up, removing both barbells. A chuckle escapes him when he sees the jewelry.