Page 19 of Ashes

Rushing out of the hotel, I practically sprint toward the car and jump in once I see it. Ace speeds off before I can even get the door closed and my seat belt on.

“I’ve already called Rachel to let her know we’re on our way back. She said they’re ready to go,” he says, glancing over at me.

I nod, leaning my head against the headrest. “Thanks. We need to make this as quick as possible. As soon as Rowen wakes up to an empty bed, he’ll know we took off, and then he and King will be coming straight here.”

“Why didn’t you tell Rowen who’s been sending them those texts?” he asks, taking me by surprise.

“If they would’ve unchained me from that basement, I would’ve told them. I knew who was behind the texts the minute the man in the basement called me little bird. Only one person ever called me that, and I wanted to tell them who it was,” I explain, hating that my relationship with Eli, King, and Rowen ended the way that it did. “Colton has had it out for me before those texts even started. He’s the one who put the hit out on me that they responded to. The only reason they didn’t turn me over to him like they were supposed to is because Rowen and I have history, and he and King fell for me…and then Eli did, too. Although I’m sure, he’ll never admit it.” I smile to myself, remembering the moments I spent with Eli and the rare times he let his gentle side show.

He likes to keep it hidden and pretend to be some intense hard ass, but I know the real him. If Eli didn’t care about me, he wouldn’t have built me the ballet studio; he knew I loved to dance and had been missing it so he brought one to me.

Only someone who truly cares about you would do something like that.

“Do you think I should’ve told him?”

“No, why should you? You’re right. They failed to protect you, so they can continue to play whatever game Colton wants to play.”

I smile and reach across to place my hand on his thigh. “So, about last night. Looked like you had a nice time feeling up Ro,” I say with a knowing grin.

“I’m not gay if that’s what you’re asking.”

“I never said you were.” Ace doesn’t like titles. He likes the human body, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it doesn’t need to be labeled. “All I said was it seemed like you had a good time.” I know that Ace finds Ro attractive. You’d have to be blind not to, but even at that, his voice is attractive too.

Ace has told me many times about his attraction to all three of them. Eli, King, and Rowen, and if I’m being honest, I’ve had a fantasy about the four of them together. I secretly wonder if I’ll ever be able to make that fantasy happen.

A girl can dream.

* * *

When we arriveat Rachel’s, I hurry inside while Ace agrees to remain outside, keeping watch in case Rowen or anyone else shows up.

Rachel opens the door as soon as I knock and greets me with a weary smile. “We’re packing only the necessities, as you said. Olivia is in her room, but we’re almost ready to go. Be warned, though. She’s unhappy about leaving behind her newly decorated and painted bedroom,” she says before turning her back on me and walking toward the kitchen to finish packing.

With a sigh, I walk down the hallway to Olivia’s room. The door is open, and she’s sitting in the middle of the room, hugging her backpack as fresh tears stream down her porcelain face. The sight is heartbreaking.

“Aunty Lee, I don’t want to move. I like it here, and so does Mommy. We don’t want to leave.”

I squat in front of her. “I know, sweet girl, but I miss you guys so much and want you to be closer to me,” I say, taking her small hands in mine.

“But Mommy is leaving her boyfriend, and I’m leaving the friends I’ve made. It’s not fair that we have to go. Can’t you move here with us?” I raise my eyebrow at the mention of Rachel having a boyfriend. This is the first I’ve ever heard of someone being in the picture.

With a sigh, I sit on my bottom, pulling Olivia closer. “I’m sorry, sweet girl, but you have to come with Ace and me. I promise you’ll make new friends, and we’ll even give you a better bedroom than this one.” Her bright blue eyes light up with so much hope.

Looking at her is like looking in a mirror. She’s my twin and looks exactly as I did when I was her age. The difference between us is she’s sweet and innocent; the world hasn’t tainted her and stolen her innocence like it did mine. When I was her age, I was already jaded and had experienced horrific things. Things that I never want her to know about or ever have to experience herself. That’s why I try so hard to keep her and her mother safe—I want to keep her pure and innocent for as long as possible.

“Do you promise?” she asks, raising her little pinky to me. With an easy smile, I nod and hook my pinky around hers.

“I promise. You’ll have the best bedroom ever, and I bet if you ask nicely, Ace will even take you shopping and let you pick out whatever you want to decorate it with.”

She jumps up, her wide smile spreading from ear to ear. “Okay, Aunty Lee, I believe you.”

“Good girl. Now, help your mom finish packing, and I’ll start taking your stuff to the car.” She nods, shoving her backpack toward me before she sprints out of the room, yelling for her mother.

My chest aches every time I hear her call someone else mom. I don’t regret my decision not to keep her, but it’s still painful to hear.

After carrying the bags from Olivia’s room out to the car, I go back into the house to find Rachel in the living room. “So, Olivia said something crazy, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s true.”

She looks at me skeptically. “What did she say?” she asks, taking the photos down from the wall and packing them away into a box.