Page 18 of Ashes

“I’m not sleeping with the two of you. Don’t forget that I don’t trust either of you anymore.”

“That’s wise.” She grins. “You can sleep on the bed with us or on the floor.” She walks toward the bed and pulls the blankets back. “The least you can do after fucking me is share a bed with me.” She sighs, climbing to the middle of the bed. “By the way, I don’t trustyoueither. Not since you left me for dead.”

Ace clears his throat. “You may find this awkward...” He begins stripping out of his clothing, tossing everything to the floor with a silent thud until he’s standing fully nude before me. “But I’m not uncomfortable, and it was a long drive.” He joins Tate on the bed, claiming the side closest to the door. Why would I find sharing a bed with him awkward when he just helped me come?

If I weren’t so annoyed, I’d laugh at how much he reminds me of King in this moment. He, too, doesn’t give two fucks in situations that may be awkward or uncomfortable, and he loves going commando as well.

“I will tell you whatever you want to know tomorrow,” she promises, her words not providing me any comfort or reason to believe her.

Rolling my eyes, I refuse to continue arguing. We’re going in circles and beating a dead horse. Right now, I have a lot of resentment toward her for not telling me she’s alive sooner, and I’m pissed at Ace for pretending to be someone he’s not.

It looks like we just figured out who our fucking rat is.

Admitting defeat and refusing to sleep on the floor or the couch of the hotel room I’m paying for, I join them on the king-size bed.

Tate scoots closer toward him as I climb in, putting her directly in the middle of the bed. “Keep your fucking hands to yourself. I don’t want to wake up to you touching my dick. Either one of you,” I scold as I lie down and face away from them.

Tate giggles, and my fucking heart tightens at the sound I’ve missed for months. “That would be a sight to see. You two can fuck out your problems, and this time, I can watch.” Her laughter fills the room.

“Don’t be like that. I know that Ace helped you…get off.”

Reaching forward, I click the lamp off, encasing the room in complete darkness. Her warm body presses against my back, and her lips press against the back of my shoulder. She snakes her arm around my waist, grabbing on to my cock that’s now fully erect, thanks to her.

“Seems like you liked it,” she whispers in my ear, biting down on my earlobe.

“Tate, shut the fuck up and go to sleep,” I hiss, shoving her hands off my body and her mouth away from my ear.

“Yes, sir, whatever you say.” Her laughter fades into the background as exhaustion takes over.



“Shhh.”I press my finger against my lips, silencing Ace as we tiptoe around the dimly lit hotel room.

The only light in the room is from the sun that’s peeking in from a gap in the curtains that haven’t been shut all the way. We need to get out of the room as quietly as possible without waking Rowen.

It was great to see him again—and being intimate with him was incredible—but I still don’t trust him; especially when it comes to knowing the truth about Olivia. That’s why I told him I’d explain everything in the morning. I won’t be here when he wakes up to keep good on that promise. A few months ago, I would’ve trusted him enough to tell him anything he wanted to know, but things are different now. That fire changed me.

Actually, I was changed before that. The night I jumped out of the bathroom window at Confess nightclub, and King shot me…that was when my faith in them began to flicker. They’d betrayed me and believed that I had betrayed them. They should’ve known I would’ve never done anything like that, but instead, they chose to believe the lies Colton fed them, and the three of them fell right into his trap.

When King and Eli showed up at the house, I was so hopeful they would save me and take me back to the cabin where I could be safe. Instead, they chose to save themselves when the fire started. They sealed their fate that night, and I added them to my list of revenge.

I know the unknown bastard who’s been texting them will try to get to Olivia through them. I’m not positive that he’s her father, considering it’s possible his father could’ve also impregnated me, but they’re still related. They’re either father and daughter or brother and sister, but it doesn’t matter. I want that sick bastard to stay as far away from Olivia as possible.

I know what he’s capable of. I know how demented and twisted he really is, and I’ll never let him get his hands on her, even if that means I’ll spend the rest of my life running and looking over my shoulder.

I’ll do anything to keep her safe.

Ace grabs my bicep, pulling me away from my thoughts and the hotel room. Yet again, I got so lost inside my head that I hadn’t realized what was happening around me. He’s already packed our bags, and there’s no trace of us in the room anywhere.

Rowen will soon wake to an empty room and be furious that I slipped through his fingers, taking my secrets with me once again. I don’t care. That’s what he gets.

Ace leads me out of the room and carefully closes the hotel room door behind us, so it doesn’t slam. It closes with a click, and then we’re rushing toward the elevator in a hurry to get to the car; we need to get to Rachel’s before we run into anyone else.

While he steps outside to pull the car around for me, I slip into the dining area to take advantage of the continental breakfast.

I take two bottles of water, two muffins, and two yogurt cups. I’m desperate for a cup of coffee, but I doubt I have time to open two dozen tiny creamer cups to get my coffee to the level of sweetness that I prefer. Hopefully, Rachel will have a pot ready when we get there.