Page 17 of Ashes

His hand roams down her body, but instead of touching her like I expected him to do, he cups my heavy balls, massaging them in his hand, causing a familiar ache to warm my spine.

The gesture takes me by surprise, and I should stop it and demand he gets the fuck away from me because he lied about his identity, but I don't because it feels too fucking good to have his hand massaging my tightening sack.

With a loud groan, and sooner than expected, I empty myself inside of Tate's pulsing body, roaring my release into the heavy, sweat-scented air of my hotel room.

"Fuck, I have missed you." I pull out, collapsing on top of her body. I can feel the frustration radiating off her because she didn't get to come, but I already told her this was for me, not her. If she wants me to make her cum, she'll have to earn it.

Ace pulls back, leaving her lips swollen from his kiss. With a smirk, I quickly kiss her lips, then pull back and climb off the bed.

"I'm going to go clean up." Without a second look back at her, I walk toward the bathroom to pee and clean up the mess we created.

God, I really have fucking missed everything about her. I should be angry, but I'm not. I'll never be able to stay angry at her. Not anymore.



“Why didyou choose to rise from the dead now? Better yet, why are you here?” I ask, putting on a clean pair of boxers once I return to the room after cleaning myself up.

“I’m here because of Rachel. I wanted to get to her before you or anyone else had the chance,” she says, confirming what I already knew. She knows Rachel, and I’m about to find out how.

She must know my next question because she continues talking, answering my unasked question. “Rachel is a…friend. Ace has been helping me keep her and her daughter safe over the years. When you received the photo of them, Ace told me, so I came here to keep them safe.”

“How did you know where I’m staying?”

“I was there when you and King showed up. We waited until you two left, then we followed you. I rode up in the elevator with you, and you didn’t even notice,” she says, standing up from the bed and walking naked toward the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

A few minutes later, she returns wearing the plush, white bathrobe from the closet.

I replay the moments in the elevator and vaguely recall seeing a blonde in the corner. I didn’t notice her. That shows how distracted I’ve been. I’m slipping, not properly checking my surroundings like I need to. Better safe than sorry.

“Tell me how exactly you know Rachel. Saying she’s a friend doesn’t explain anything.”

She rolls her eyes, brushing her hair out of her face and behind her ears. “I’ll tell you tomorrow. I want to get some sleep.”

“Go to your room and sleep, then.”

She waves her arms around the room. “I’m already in my room. The hotel is sold out, so we’re staying here tonight.”

“The fuck you are. I’m still pissed at you.”

“Oh well…” She shrugs. “You’ll have to get over it. We’re staying.” She turns her attention to Trav—Ace. Referring to him by his real name instead of the name I know him as will take some getting used to.

“I want answers right now, Tate. One of you better start talking and tell me what fucking role Rachel Hollis plays in all of this.” I’m desperate for answers, and it’s beginning to show. Tate’s mind has always been fascinating to me. I’ve always loved learning how the wheels turn in her brain, and if I’m being honest, I always thought it would be excited to rip her open to see how her pieces all fit together and how her brain is connected.

She’s kept her secrets close to her, and I want nothing more than to dig inside her brain and learn everything she’s been keeping to herself for far too long.

Her mind is such a beautiful thing, and her secrets are deadly. Most likely, it’ll be me dying, trying to figure them out.

“Ro, please. I’ve had a long day and don’t want to talk about any of that right now. Let’s get some sleep, and we’ll talk in the morning and figure out a plan.”

“A plan?” I scoff. “We’ll talk right now. And I’ll tell you whatmynext move will be.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me, pinning me with her infamous deadly look. “Your tough guy act isn’t getting us anywhere. You seem to forget that I know you so well, Rowen.” I hate not getting what I want, especially when it comes to unanswered questions.

I hate loose ends, and I’m anxious to learn her connection to Rachel Hollis. I don’t understand why that woman is so important, and she is; Tate wouldn’t have come out of wherever she was hiding otherwise.

“Come here,” she says, holding her hand out toward Ace. He goes to her instantly. “The bed is big enough for the three of us.”