I scream out as I feel his fingers nip my butt and realize I’m doomed. I just need to get inside that shack and close the door behind me then I’ll be good.

Fuck. It’s never going to happen. Though knowing Jackson, he’ll let me get as close as possible before ending this.

Just as I thought, Jackson allows me to curl my fingers around the door handle and tear it open before his arms curl around my waist. Basic survival kicks in and I throw myself down, grazing my knees in the process. Jackson’s momentum has him flying right over the top of me and through the open doorway before he very ungracefully comes slamming down in the center of the shack.

A loud gasp has both our heads flying up and I gawk at the sight of a nearly naked Brylee with a very naked Tyson between her legs, and my God, I’d nearly forgotten how big that thing was. Way to go, Brylee.

“GET OUT!” she shrieks before fumbling around, trying to cover her bits.

Jackson’s wide eyes come to mine as Tyson grins proudly. I slap a hand over my mouth, trying to keep myself from bursting into a fit of giggles once again. Bry is probably embarrassed enough. She doesn’t need my laughter adding to it.

I throw myself back out the door and have Jackson come out behind me, tumbling straight into me in the process before he slams the door shuts it behind him. “Holy, fuck,” he laughs. “Did you see that?”

“How could I not?” I say as Jackson takes my hand and starts leading me away from the shack, hopefully far, far away, somewhere that I can burn the images of Bry and Tyson getting it on out of my head. Like seriously, when did this even become a thing? Are they a thing?

Jackson grins down at me. “Tell me you saw the size of-”

“Tyson’s dick?” I laugh, cutting him off. “Trust me, I know! It’s huge. It gives all new meaning to the term ‘anaconda.’”

Jackson gags. “If you’d let me finished, you would have heard me referring to Bry’s tits, not Tyson’s dick. As if I was looking at that.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Well, you should have been.”

He shakes his head, unable to stop grinning at me and I realize that without a doubt, I’m having one of the best days of my life, but more than that, Jackson Millington is getting under my skin and worming his way into my heart.

I think I’m in trouble; I’m falling for the quarterback.

Chapter 10


I’ve done the girlfriend thing before and quickly realized that it wasn’t for me. I like the single life. I like not having to deal with some chick’s drama and I like that I can screw around with whoever the fuck I want and not have to worry about my actions hurting someone’s heart. Except Elle has me reconsidering.

She dances with Courtney and Brylee, and fuck, she looks absolutely radiant. Her blonde hair is like a halo around her face and her bright blue, beaming eyes are like a window into her soul, a soul filled with nothing but innocence. Don’t get me wrong, I know she has a shady past and is known to get a bit wild, but that’s not who she is anymore and damn it, from now on, I want to be the one she gets wild with.

I have to do something about this, but what? She’s already said that she’s not interested in getting involved with someone, especially someone like me, but I’m not sure I can accept ‘no’ as an answer.

I find Tora getting a refill and decide a little female advice will probably go a long way. “Water?” I ask, throwing my arm over the birthday girl’s shoulders, knowing I’m going to have to warm her up a little to get the answers I’m looking for. “What the hell are you drinking that for? It’s your birthday, you should be finishing the night by hurling in the bushes. Give something for that douchebag of yours to clean up in the morning.”

“Can I help you?” she asks, popping a few ice cubes into her cup and taking a quick sip before moaning at the refreshing feel of the water traveling down her throat which is no doubt sore from all the screaming and laughing that’s been going on today.

“You good?”

“Yeah,” she beams up at me. “Is there something you need?”

I nod. “Yeah, actually, a few things,” I tell her, unsure how this first question is going to go, but unfortunately, I can’t help myself from asking. “For starters, you can tell me where the hell Jesse has taken my little sister. I can’t find her anywhere, and I swear, if I find out that he has her locked in his bedroom somewhere, I won’t be able to control what I do to him.”