I light up the screen of my phone and open Jesse’s text.

Jesse – Get your ass down to the paintball arena. It’s Tora’s birthday and it’s going to be fucking EPIC!!!!

A grin stretches wide over my face.

Hell Fucking Yes! This is exactly what I’ve been needing.

Elle – I’m in. I’ll be there in 10.

Jesse – Bring me some snacks.

I hit delete on that last message and pretend I never received a damn thing. The fucker can get his own damn snacks.

I rush through the rest of my makeup and put my hair straightener away, opting for a messy bun instead. After all, if I’m spending my morning kicking Nate and Jesse’s asses, then I intend to be prepared and ready.

Hurrying out to my car, I unlock the beautiful thing and resist throwing myself over the top, deciding a little class is always best. I open the door and get in like a regular human being before driving just a little faster than the speed limit in my need to have a great day out. The sun is shining and it’s perfect weather to mess around with friends.

I pull up at the paintball arena, proud of myself for remembering how to get here. I’ve never actually done this before. I’ve never had the kind of friends willing to get themselves dirty, but things have changed and I couldn’t be more excited. Maybe I should have brought some warrior face paint and then the girls and I could really dress the part, but then, knowing Brylee, she’s probably already thought of it.

As I cut my engine, a black charger pulls into the lot and parks beside me with a grinning Jackson in the front seat and a scowling Kaylah beside him, most likely pissed off for having to deal with her brother at this time of the morning.

Surprise rocks through me. I don’t know why though. I should have expected him to be here, but for some reason, the thought hadn’t even entered my mind. I’m not going to lie though, I kind of like the idea of spending a fun day like this with him. I haven’t had the pleasure of having his lips on mine since that night at my place so maybe today is my lucky day and I’m going to get way more than what I bargained for.

Kaylah’s eyes come to mine and her scowl instantly disappears and I see a challenge brimming in her eyes. I grin to myself. That girl has one mission and one mission only. To take out her brother and I’ve never been so on board.

Kaylah and Jackson get out of his Charger and not a second later, Jackson’s arm falls over my shoulder before leading me towards our friends.

I don’t miss the way both Nate and Jesse narrow their eyes on him, but I couldn’t care less. Today is about Tora, not their bullshit rivalry. Besides, maybe it’s time for the Ryder brothers to realize that Jackson has become a permanent fixture in our group and they need to kiss and make up.

Jesse hardly gives me a second to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to Tora before he’s splitting us into two groups; boy verse girl. I step out from under Jackson’s arm and he has the audacity to look offended. “Game on, Casanova.”

His brows shoot up. “Oh, is that how it’s going to be?”

“Damn straight,” I laugh as Jesse pulls me back towards the group of girls, though I’m confused as to why he’s over here, though this is Jesse so I should have learned by now to never be surprised.

“You better not be fraternizing with the enemy,” he warns me.

I roll my eyes. This is going to be so much fun.


I stand beside Kaylah, both of us with our guns ready and battle paint on. We’ve got this, but more importantly, we’re taking Jackson down and we don’t care how sneaky we have to be to make it happen. Hell, we’ll cheat if we have to, but neither of us will stop until the job is done.

The buzzer sounds and we all stand a little taller. “You guys ready?” Tora questions, looking around at each of us, eyes narrowed with her battle face on.

“Hell yeah,” Courtney cheers, fist-pumping the sky with her paintball gun. “I want to nail Puck right in the ass.”

“That’s the spirit,” Brooke laughs before a sly devilish tone takes over. “I’m going to nail Max right in the balls.”

“Ooooh,” Jesse cringes, grabbing his junk and probably reconsidering if this is a good idea. After all, it turns out that Tora has requested his presence on the girl team to be her human shield so she can take down her boyfriend and enjoy Jesse being shot up close and personal.

“Alright, ladies,” Tora says. “Let’s do this.”

The girls and I make our way out of our little hidey-hole and take a look around. The field has been set up with obstacles and targets, but I won’t be aiming for any of them as I already have a specific target in mind.