I start my way down to Tora before leaning into her locker and demanding her full attention. She looks up at me and rolls her eyes, but the distaste that she used to have in her eyes is completely gone. Though right now, I can’t seem to care.

“Oh, the horror,” Tora says with thick sarcasm. “Please don’t beat me up or total my car.”

“Not funny,” I snap, trying to hold it together as Elle watches me closely, unsure what the hell is going on. “Did you know?”

“Know what?” Tora questions, narrowing her eyes at me.

“About Jesse and my sister.” A fond grin stretches wide over Tora’s face and just like that, I know it’s true. “Damn it, Tora,” I demand, slamming my fist into her locker as the anger overwhelms me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What?” she scoffs. “Why would I? It’s not my business to be telling you who your sister’s been screwing.”

Fuck no.

“He’s screwing her?” I roar, making my voice bounce off every wall in the fucking school. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

I push off Tora’s locker and start forcing my way down the corridor, shoving fuckers out of my way who are too damn slow to move on their own. Tora hurries after me and I don’t doubt that Elle is following right along.

“Stop,” Tora yells, grabbing hold of my elbow and tugging hard to get me to stop. “He really likes her.”

She’s fucking kidding, right? Is that shit supposed to make this okay? My sister will not be dating a guy like Jesse Ryder. He’ll make a fucking joke of her and crush her just to get at me. No, I won’t allow it. He can get at me all he likes, but Kaylah is off-limits.

“I don’t give a shit,” I tell her, dragging her along until she drops off my arm. “She’s too good for that piece of shit. No way is he going to defile my baby sister.”

“Jesse’s a good guy,” she says, defending his honor as though the prick deserves it.

“Bullshit,” I throw over my shoulder. “He’ll chew her up and spit her out like last night’s trash, and then guess who’s going to have to clean up the pieces? Me, that’s who. I’m not having it.”

“What the hell is happening?” Brooke asks before she starts walking backward to continue her line of questioning.

“Jackson just found out that Jesse is dating Kaylah,” Tora laughs as though she actually finds this shit amusing. “He wants to kick his ass.”

“Oooooh,” Brooke grins, grabbing Elle’s hand and pulling her along. “I’m not missing this.”

I storm into the junior hallway and instantly zone in on Jesse at the other end, fucking around at his locker and I grin to myself. I’m taking this bastard down once and for all. That is until a petite blonde catches my eye and I suddenly have a brand new target.

“Hey,” I yell, knowing my sister would recognize my voice and tone anywhere.

Kaylah’s head whips around and her eyes bulge out for a brief second, telling me that she knows exactly why I’m here. She quickly rights herself and slaps on her tough girl attitude before raising her chin in defiance. “What do you want?”

I step right up in front of her. “Tell me it’s not true.”

Kaylah raises a brow as she crosses her arms over her chest then follows it up by jutting out a hip just to be a bitch. “What’s not true?”

“That you’re dating that….that thing,” I spit in disgust, indicating down the hallway towards Jesse. Kaylah cringes and rage sails through me. “Shit, Kaylah,” I sigh. “Anyone but him.”

“Leave it alone,” she tells me. “I can date whoever the fuck I want.”

“Over my dead body. Don’t be such a fucking idiot.”

A hand slams into my chest and I’m pushed back away from Kaylah by a furious Jesse. “Hey,” he roars. “Leave her alone.”

I scoff as I look at the kid who’s about to meet his fucking maker, the one who assumes he can take my sister and do whatever the fuck he pleases with her. “Stay the fuck out of this.”

Jesse’s eyes flare as everyone around us starts calling out for a fight. I know the look in his eyes, I’ve seen it a million times before and I relish in the fact that he’s just as ready to go as I am.

A small body steps in between me and Jesse. “Cut it out,” Tora demands, putting her hands on each of our chests and trying to shove us away from each other. She looks towards Jesse. “Cool your jets. If I get another suspension for trying to break up another fight, Nate is going to have your balls. Besides, this is not a good way to impress Kaylah.”

I roll my eyes. “He doesn’t need to be impressing Kaylah.”