My back straightens as every fucker in the room falls silent. “The fuck you just say?”

“Shit,” Matthews says, racing forward and putting himself between me and Troy, knowing damn well there’s about to be a blood bath in here. “He’s just fucking with you. Right, Troy?”

Troy has the guts to lie to my fucking face. “Oh, yeah, man. Just fucking with you,” he says with a lame, terrified chuckle. “Just fucking around.”

I keep my eye on the kid, knowing he’s bound to approach my sister at some point and hope he fully understands that if and when he does, I’ll have no other choice but to kick his ass. My sister won’t be dating a fucking low life like that, especially one who asks a girl’s big brother for her number rather than finding the balls to approach her himself and show her a little respect.

Matthews lets out a relieved sigh, realizing that I’m not about to beat the shit out of Troy before relaxing down onto the bench. “I have to admit it though,” he says, giving me a sideways glance. “Troy has good taste. Your sister is fine, but I overheard her talking to some guy yesterday saying that she was seeing someone.”

“Nah man,” I say, shaking my head. “I’d know if she was seeing someone.”

Matthews shrugs. “Yeah, I guess. She was probably just saying that to get the guy off her case. Chicks are always saying they’re taken as an easy out.”

I scoff at his comments. “Have a lot of experience striking out, do you?” I ask, grabbing my things and heading to the bathroom to race through a quick shower. After all, the school bell is due to go in less than fifteen minutes.

Matthews instantly starts back peddling. “Nah,” he says. “Not me personally, I just heard they do that from time to time. I don’t have any issues getting chicks, man.” I don’t bother responding as I close myself off in the shower and get my ass ready for the day.

I fly back out of the locker room precisely four minutes later and grin as I walk into the main part of the school and see Tora by her locker with Brooke and Elle.

I can’t tear my eyes off her. God, she’s fucking gorgeous and it’s killing me that she’s keeping herself at arms-length. I’ve been giving her space and hoping she’ll come to me, but I’m quickly realizing that game plan fucking sucks. It’s about time that I make this happen.

Elle and I so clearly have some sort of chemistry and I’m done waiting to explore it. I want to know what this is and I want to know what the hell is holding her back. I’d understand if she was shy and needs me to make that move, but I don’t get that vibe from her. Something else is going on here and I want to figure it out. Hell, I want to figure her out.

I dump my shit in my locker before walking up to the girls. Tora and I seem to have sorted our differences but after I made a bad call and took her to a Haven Falls party, she’s been a little crabby. So this could be interesting. Even more so considering Nate is down the other end of the hallway.

“Hello, hello, hello,” I say, throwing my arms over Brooke and Elle’s shoulders, forcing my way into their circle and loving the feel of Elle being tucked into my side like that, but I keep my attention on Tora, not wanting to overwhelm Elle or make her think that I’m forcing myself onto her.

“Is there something you need?” Tora questions, giving me that signature attitude that she’s become so damn good at performing. Though, I kind of deserve this one.

“Nope,” I say with a wicked grin. “Just saw your boyfriend looking over here and thought I’d take the opportunity to get under his skin.”

At the mention of Nate, all eyes travel down toward him to find nothing but irritation etched into his face and I try not to laugh. I feel for the fucker…kind of. If he just asked me what’s up and gave me the time of day to talk things through, he’ll realize that I’m not trying to steal his girl away, in fact, my end game is something very different and it has everything to do with this blonde bombshell under my arm who seems to be leaning more and more into my side, welcoming my touch just as much as I am hers.

Tora looks back at me with a tight smile. “At least you’re being honest about it.”

I suck in a breath, feigning offense. “I’m wounded, Tora. I’m always honest, especially when it comes to pissing off Nate Ryder.”

Brooke pushes my arm off her shoulder and steps closer to Tora while Elle remains right where she is. “When are you and Nate going to call all this bullshit off?” Brooke questions.