“You know what that was about,” Brooke grumbles, refusing to meet Tora’s eyes. “Courtney’s big mouth.”

“Brooke,” Tora scolds as I wonder if maybe I should make myself disappear. “Spill it.”

She lets out a frustrated groan and leans forward onto her elbow. “Maxen asked out that whore, Holly, today.”

“Fuck,” Tora curses. “You okay?”

I cringe before leaning in closer, hoping I’m somehow able to lighten the mood. “Okay, here’s the plan. I’ll hold him down while you two beat the shit out of him.”

Brooke lets out a big booming laugh and just like that, I know she’s feeling a shitload better, even though the hurt shines brightly in her eyes.

“Besides,” Tora continues. “Holly is a bitch ass skank. She went down on a linebacker last week. It’s only a matter of time before they cheat on each other. We can make it a game,” she laughs excitedly. “NO. A bet.”

Brooke grins. “You’re on. Twenty says she tries to fuck Tyson by the end of the week.”

Tora reaches out and shakes Brooke’s hand. “Twenty says she does ‘an Elle’ and tries to do them at the same time.”

My mouth drops in shock. She didn’t really just say that, did she? “Hey!”

“You going to deny it?” Tora grins, teasing.

I roll my eyes before glancing around and making sure no one is listening in on our conversation, though it’s not like what I did is a big secret thanks to Jess. “Don’t knock it till you tried it.”

“Ewwww,” Tora laughs as Brooke raises a curious eyebrow. “You two are such skanks.”

“Don’t give me that innocent bullshit,” I tell her. “You were with Nate Fucking Ryder for months. You can’t tell me that a guy like that didn’t want to get a bit…nasty in the bedroom.”

“I am so not talking about this with you guys,” Tora says, though she’s distracted by something across the room.

Brooke gasps as her eyes widen. “Tell me,” she begs. “What did you do?”

Tora gets to her feet before grinning down at me and Brooke. “You whores can get lost. I’m not spilling anything.”

Tora takes off and Brooke and I are left behind, calling after her and demanding her presence, but I quickly realize that she’s chasing Nate and Jesse out the door and where they’re concerned with Tora, Brooke and I are practically invisible.

I slouch back in my chair only to find Brooke focusing intently on me. “What?” I question, narrowing my eyes at her.

She grins wide. “Tell me more about this threesome. Suddenly, I’m very curious.”

A devilish grin tears across my face and I find myself glancing at Jackson before turning back to Brooke. “Well, what exactly is it that you want to know?”

Chapter 6


I make my way up to the locker rooms after an early morning training session and do my best to shake out my legs. I went hard this morning and my thighs are killing me. We’re right in the middle of football season and so far, we’re killing it. The boys and I have been working our asses off. There’s no way we’re going to lose Thursday night’s game, not with the way we’ve been training.

The boys mind their own business and I do the same. We’re all fucking exhausted, but lucky us, we have another training session the second the end of school bell sounds.

“Yo, Jackson,” I hear from across the locker room as I peel off my sweaty uniform.

I look across to find Troy, one of the juniors standing awkwardly by the showers. “What’s up?”

“Was that um…your sister sitting out in the bleachers this morning?”

My brows furrow. Why the fuck does he want to know about Kaylah? “Yeah. What about her?” I question, hating what I already know what’s coming. I’m not going to lie, my sister is fucking beautiful and I absolutely hate it because fuckers like this are always snooping around her. With the early morning training session, she was forced to come along with me which also means she’ll be here late this afternoon.

I told her to go and study up in the library as it would be easier to concentrate, but truth be told, I was trying to avoid this bullshit. But what say do I have anyway? Kaylah decides what Kaylah wants to do and nobody can convince her otherwise. Apparently, it was a beautiful morning with a beautiful sunrise and how dare I try to take that away from her? Naturally, Kaylah sat out in the bleachers and watched our training session, no doubt not getting even the slightest bit of studying done.

Troy flinches at my tone and I scowl at him, hoping I can somehow scare the words into refusing to come out of his mouth, but apparently, the dickhead has a death wish and speaks them anyway. “She’s uh, kinda hot. Do you know if she’s seeing anyone or, you know, could you help a brother out and give me her number?”