I get myself to my first class of the day and to be honest, I haven’t been this distracted since I was a cheerleader. On Friday night, I felt something between me and Jackson, despite how badly I didn’t want to.

Jesse’s right, he is trouble and I see it in the glistening of his deep eyes, but that knowledge doesn’t stop the way my heart races when he’s around. I’ve spent the last few weeks avoiding him like the plague solely because I know that he’s the kind of guy that would drag me into his trap and devour me, and that’s just not something I’m down for at the moment.

Besides, after all that threesome bullshit, it’s best for me to lay low and a public relationship with the resident bad boy is not the way to go.

My day drags and by the time lunch comes around, I couldn’t be happier. I grab something to eat and squish my way between Brylee and Brooke as Courtney and Puck remind the rest of us that we’re grossly single.

I slouch in my seat, leaning forward onto my elbow and sipping at my water when I feel his piercing stare. I’ve been getting it all day or maybe I get it all the time but only now I’m noticing it. I don’t know what this is but Jackson is seriously messing with my head.

I can’t help but meet his eyes across the cafeteria and when I do, a sexy as hell smirk cuts across his handsome face, making something pull inside me. Why is it that I so desperately want to run across the cafeteria and climb up into his lap and promise to be a good girl if he’ll promise to treat me like a bad one?

Shit. This is so not good.

Brylee flicks a french fry at Courtney and Puck and I can’t possibly be more grateful for the distraction. “Would you two knock it off?” she grunts. “I can hear the sound of your saliva moshing together and it’s making me want to barf.”

Courtney pulls back from Puck and narrows her eyes on her best friend before looking at the rest of us. “You bitches are so jealous.”

“Jealous of what?” Brooke snaps back, making my eyes go wide. What the hell is this about? These girls don’t get catty like this? This shit is usually reserved for the cheerleaders. “Every girl in school has already been with him.”

Fuck. Don’t bring this back to me. Don’t bring this back to me.

Puck holds his hands up in defense, pointedly not meeting my eyes to draw attention to the big target on my back. “Hey, what did I do?”

Courtney ignores him as she glares across the table at Brooke. “You’d know,” she snaps. “You’re the biggest whore around.”

“Guys,” I say, trying to find the peace, but apparently, it’s long gone and I let out a sigh. I was hoping for a better lunch to make up for the shitty, confusing day, but I guess that’s not going to happen.

“Says you? You’re the one with your tongue down your boyfriend’s throat,” Brooke says, flying to her feet, but more importantly, why is Jackson still staring at me and why the hell does it have me clenching my thighs under the table?

Court gets to her feet too. “Well, at least my boyfriend doesn’t cheat on me.” With that, she grabs her phone off the table and storms out of the cafeteria, leaving me gaping behind her.

“Shit,” Puck grunts as he narrows his eyes on Brooke. “Did you really have to do that?”

“I didn’t do anything,” Brooke yells. “Brylee was the one who asked you to stop and that cow was the one who claimed we were all jealous. So, why don’t you go and run after your precious little girl and remind her that all this bullshit is on her.”

Brylee sighs as Puck shakes his head and gets up from the table, hopefully, to go and find Courtney. “What the hell was that?” Brylee questions. “Are you feeling okay?”

“No. If they want to make babies then they should go and do it privately.”

Brylee’s lips pull into a tight line and it’s clear as day she’s pissed with Brooke, but then, Brooke is right, Brylee and Court are the ones who started this shit. Brooke just finished it. Court did take it too far, but that’s when I realize that this is something more. Something is hurting Brooke and I’d bet anything that it’s got something to do with Maxen.

Those two have been going through a rough time over the past few weeks with a devastating break up after Brooke caught him cheating. She’s been hurting ever since, but she’s been trying to be strong for Tora as she’s going through a similar heartbreak.

Brylee gets up and hauls ass after Puck and Courtney, leaving me and Tora with a pissed off Brooke. “Alright, now that they’re gone,” Tora murmurs. “You want to tell me what the hell that was about?”